Eclipse Center

2 Conversations

June 2001
Eclipse Center

On the 21st there is the first total eclipse of the Sun for the new millenium and it's going to be a good one.

Diagram showing how to view an eclipse

Chat to Patrick Moore now

Patrick Moore is currently answering questions about tomorrows eclipse in the BBC chat room. The place to be is here.

Where and When

On Thursday 21st June there is a total eclipse of the sun visible from Africa, the line of totality passing throught Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique as well as Madagascar. Totality reaches the West coast of Angola at 1.39pm local time and dissappears of Madagascar at 3.50pm on that Thursday. Totality is expacted to last a maximum of 4 minutes 56 seconds which is much longer then the 1999 eclipse. The West coast's weather is predicted to be better however Madagascar East coast will provide a beautiful sunset as soon as totality ends.

Better than the last one?

This is the first total eclipse of the sun since August 1999 when one was visible across Asia and Europe including England. Of course in Cornwall just on that day and at that time it was completely cloudy and only about 100 people in England actually saw it. Across Europe better weather was found and good views were obtained by many1. Beautiful views were obtained across India when the sun set over the ocean.

The 2001 solar eclipse is expected to be better than the last one with clearer weather, more landfall in less populated areas2 as well as a longer eclipse, over four minutes compaired to about two minutes last time. The only problem for people who would like to view it and don't live in Africa is actually getting there. Tours have been set up but these are now mainly full, having been that way pretty much since 1999.

Traveling - what you need to know

The most wide spread desiesas in sub-Saharan Africa are malaria and dengue fever which are both spread by female mosquitoes. Do not travel without appropriate prophylaxis. The choice of anti-malarials such as Fansidar or Malarone is dependent upon where you are traveling and your own health, so consult your own doctor before traveling. sugests these simple techniques to help prevent being bitten:

  • Dress with long sleeved shirts and long trousers after dark
  • Sleep in screened in areas. Use mosquito netting to cover your bedding
  • Use smoke coils in your living area
  • Use a bug repellent with DEET. Rubbed into cotton (i.e. your clothes) it is a very effective repellent
  • Mosquito-repellent ankle and wristbands are great for local protection

Some symptoms of malaria and dengue fever are fever, nausea, headaches and joint and muscle aches. If you have any of these symptoms get immediate medical attention.

Additional resources

Live broadcasts and some usefull links are over on the BBC Solar Eclipse page.

Another sister eclipse page isJimi X's Eclipse Central have a look for details of the times of this eclipse.

The path of the eclipse is shown in this NASA solar eclipse plot

To find out what you need to know about African travel go to African travel advice page.

Other solar eclipse information can be found on the Sky and Telescope Eclipse page.

Very important details on how to view a solar eclipse.

More background infomation about total solar eclipses.

h2g2as: Charting the Uncharted Backwarters of the Universeh2g2 Astronomical Society


Never look directly at the sun as it will damage your eyesight. When viewing an eclipse either project an image or use certified eclipse glases.

1Sadly where I was in Munich it went cloudy just as totality approached.2However, this does mean that fewer people can easily see it. Though there won't be the crowds that appeared in Europe

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