A Conversation for Newcomers' Welcome Page

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 1

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Hello and welcome one and all! Yes, you've found your way to the legendary (if only! smiley - winkeye) newcomers welcome thread. Feel free to sit down, have a cup of tea and a slice of cake, and natter away to your hearts content. Share and enjoy! smiley - smiley

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 2



Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 3

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Did you mention tea?

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 4

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Yep. Freshly made, in the pot.

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 5

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Oh good. Just checking, part of my job. I'm sure you understand.

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 6

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Of course. smiley - smiley

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 7

Lanc - GURU and ACE

Greetings and welcome:

All the new faces here in H2G2 each week, it is wonderful that all of you found this haven in cyberspace. I am lanc aka silvercrow and I venture to say one of the oldest people here on H2G2. Plus I am a GURU and ACE. You can figure these designations out later. It is just to say if you need a hand just call. I will do my best to get you an answer. Otherwise, I do ride a Harley and have lots of fun. My address is http://www.h2g2.com/U145568

Set up your page so that others can find you and maybe a little about yourself. Join in on any conversation you would like. Or start your own. What you have to say can be just fun or mind bending and profound.

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 8


So plentiful resources of ACE's, Angels and various other nice people, and not a single newbie in sight... smiley - bigeyes

-Business as usual smiley - smiley


Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 9

Jimi X

But we're ready for them if one would show up...

smiley - winkeye

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 10

Will Jenkins (Dead)

some kind of ambush would seem to be in order, what do newbies want most which we can use to lure them to us?

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 11


*Wanders through very wary of mantraps etc*


Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 12

Jimi X


So what do you do at the college? Welcome to h2g2! Did you have a good lunch?

- X

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 13


*casually steps out of the way*

Hey there!, im an I.T help guy at Huddersfield University. Lunch was good, nothing really eventful about it. My food behaved and no emotional students. A success if there ever was one.

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 14


*waves at ~Chairman~* Emotional students? i guess you must get plenty of them mostly...smiley - smiley

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 15


he he, they spend hours writing out a piece of work. Then they delete it and start crying, it's really upsetting :o). Hence the term 'Emotional'. But most of them are just plain daft, finger stuck in floppy drive etc.....

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 16

Jimi X

*pulls finger out of floppy drive*


Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 17


LoL smiley - smiley

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 18


newbie alert!!

no questions yet, still scouting around... just thought I'd quench your thirst for a newbie.

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 19

Silly Willy

Hello! Is this where you come if you're new?
I do have a question, Why is it that sometimes you keep clicking refresh to see if any new posts have arrived on the most recent forums section and it'll say none have, but then suddenly it says one arrived 4 minutes ago. Is there a way around that?

Newcomers welcome w/c 23rd October 2000

Post 20

Lanc - GURU and ACE

Ahhh.. that is a wonderful question. Why is now = to 4 minutes ago. It has to do with a time space relationship involved in the slowing of the speed of light due to gravity.

The computers are so fast here at H2G2 headquarters that things can be recorded before they happen. However our phone lines seem to have a speed problem with data. Kinda like putting an elephant through a garden hose.

Actually what is happening is similar. There are thousands of threads (conversations) happening at any given moment here at H2G2. Sometimes the thread time stamp that is issued at the beginning of each data packet may take several minutes to complete. For instance I opened this window to open another thread for a reply. l st time stamp. When I am done a final time stamp on the data is issued. However when the data crosses the processor a third time stamp is assigned. Then add to that a lag of ?? for the phone company and satelite link you may get a factor of 2 to 6 minutes diffrence. So now may be minutes ago if the web is very busy or you use a government regulated phone hookup.

That is the best I can do for now. Just remember when the sun sets it happened 4 minutes before. You are just late seeing it. When the moon sets you are seeing it literally on time. Then it varies planet to planet.

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