A Conversation for The Barracks

I'm a cadet...

Post 1


I'm an air cadet. Am I allowed here?

Of course

Post 2

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

Sure. I think the most valuable thing we can have here is a place to help people who are thinking about joining the service find a successful and rewarding career.

Where are you at now? What are you hoping to do?

Of course

Post 3


smiley - huh
I wanna join the RAAF either as a pilot or as an officer. I also want to work for h2g2. Maybe I should be a flying editor or something ,erm>

Of course

Post 4


That should've been smiley - erm

smiley - blush

Of course

Post 5

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

So what is an Air Cadet. Is it a program provided by the miiltary in school? Is it like our Civil Air Patrol, an organization of young pilots associated with the Air Force that help with search and rescue missions?

Of course

Post 6


It's an organisation sponsored a lot by the RAAF with stuff like uniform provided and we stay on their bases. It's about one night a week with camps and stuff too. We do drill and learn service knowledge and aviation and fieldcraft and stuff and there are little mini-ranks similar to the ones in the air force except "Cadet" for
AC and "Leading Cadet" for LAC and "Cadet Under Officer" for Warrant Officer of the Air Force (or something like that).
I am incredibly junior smiley - tongueout

Of course

Post 7


Are you a UK Air Cadet, or what the RAF refer to as "A Space Cadet".
the auxiliary air force would most likely welcome you as would the RAF Reserve.

Don't join the regulars having been a cadet, they love to beast ex-cadets harder than anyone who wasn't during basic training.

Of course

Post 8


...and I'm out! smiley - biggrin

Never going back!


So, if the page is still being updated, I would love to be removed, or updated smiley - grovel

smiley - ta

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