A Conversation for Diana, Princess of Wales.

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Just in time for what would have been Princess Diana's 40th birthday I present my entry on her public life.
Thank you for your time and comments.smiley - smiley

(smiley - angelsmiley - starsmiley - chick*
*courtesy of Argon0smiley - blush

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 2

Witty Ditty

There wasn't an entry on this before?

Good so far; I like it smiley - ok

Something you may or may not want to add; there is another commonly held opinion about why Diana and Charles were arranged to be married instead of Camilla and Charles - and that is that in the past, and to some extent, now, virginity among aristocratic women was not only desired but incredibly valuable. It is alleged that at that time, Diana was, but Camilla wasn't. Athough that may have not been the deciding factor, it was alleged to have played a large part.

Another thing you may want to mention was her work in the 80s with HIV and AIDS patients; without the picture/footage of herself shaking the hand of these patients withno fear or reluctance, this was a defining move to shaking off the terrible stigma associated with the disease.

I'm not sure that you could mention Diana, Princess of Wales without also mentioning the media, and Earl Spencer's reaction to them. The media legacy out of all of this is the paparazzi's reluctance to hound the two princes. Of course, you could write a whole new entry on the media's/public's reaction to it; again, this is up to you.

Again, I'd love to see this in the edited guide, good job!

Stay smiley - cool,

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 3


This must have been an incredibly difficult entry to get a balanced viewpoint on, something I think you've managed to do extremely well.

Sue smiley - smiley

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 4

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thank you very much.
I did try very hard to be unbiased.smiley - bigeyes
I am a "Diana fan" - in fact I wrote the whole piece from memory.
I thought I had mentioned the AID and leprosy...smiley - erm
I tried very hard to mention her children as little as possible.
I'm afraid I couldn't bring myself to talk about Earl Spencer's funeral oration at all.
If anyone else would like to add something to my entry, I will add it and name them as co-writer.
Unless anyone thinks I should place Earl Spencer's speech into the entry as a blockquote?
I want this entry to be a fitting tribute to Diana, with the facts being available to anyone logging into h2g2 say in 50 years time.
The story as I knew it about Charles & Camilla was that Camilla got fed up waiting for Charles to ask her to marry him, so she married APB instead. I even left out that Charles is Camilla's son's godfather, as that is really nothing to do with the Diana story.
I suppose I know enough to write an entry on Camilla.smiley - laugh

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 5

Administrator-General (5+0+9)*3+0

I'm impressed with the tone of the entry: respectful without being fawning. I can't really think of anything to add. (In fact, I'd suggest not adding anything, particularly funeral orations.)

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 6

Witty Ditty

Actually; you're right, sorry, you did mention her charity work etc; was typing too fast to think properly, much apologies for a complete lack of cognitive ability .

IMHO, I don't think that you should blockquote the speech; that alone is a separate entry I think.

Did you read the Mail (or some other tabloid; not that I do, I have suddenly become an expert at reading over other people's shoulders on the Tube); front page; 'the kiss' 'tween Charles and Camilla - just a bit of tabloid trivia; not really entry material smiley - biggrin

Anyhow, again, good, unbiased entry smiley - ok

Stay smiley - cool with plenty of smiley - strawberries,
WD (currently suffering from a severe case of writer's block)

ps: have you thought of writing a University project on the whole topic? I think that there may be enough material on Charles, Diana, Camilla, the Princes and the media/public reaction for one...(just a thought, not really a suggestion)

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 7

Jimi X


What a perfect entry. Don't change a single thing. smiley - ok

Very nice work!

- X

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 8

Konrad (1x6^(9-8)x(8-1)=42) (OMFC) (Goo at work, alabaster at home)

smiley - cool article and perfectly balanced (although revealing a little of the author's feelings). What I would change is minor:

Bowles'50th : needs a space

Forword: Foreword

16 years; turned : no need for a semi-colon

Hollywood actor and actresses : missed out the s.


A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 9

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thank you all for your comments.smiley - smiley
Mistakes rectified, thanks for pointing them out.smiley - smiley
I reworded the Camilla's 50th birthday sentence as I never know quite where to put the ' after a plural already ending in "s"smiley - erm
smiley - blush@Jimi X
University project?smiley - erm
Hmmmmmm I'll think about it.
I'm off on holiday next week & this week is Wimbledonsmiley - tennisball
I already have the badgesmiley - winkeye{for my Egyptian Mysteries Project}
I think I'll leave it for seperate entries.
I still want to do one more entry on the Egyptian project, but I don't want to go off topic here.smiley - sadface
Yes, I saw the Mirror's picture of Prince Charles's greeting to Camilla. A peck on both cheeks. I would have been more surprised if it had been a full-on snog.
Like the picture above it, between father and son actors Kirk Douglas and Michael Douglas.smiley - bigeyes
smiley - biggrin

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 10

Witty Ditty

Now if it had been a full on smiley - kiss then I think that the press would have been haemorrhaging themselves to get a picture. smiley - winkeye

You're right, it was merely a friendship-type kiss. Everyone tends to read too much into these things now....

Stay smiley - cool,

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 11

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I'm pleased to announce that my entry made this weeks edition of The Post, as a tribute on what would have been her 40th birthday on Sunday.
*pleased and proud*

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 12

Babel o' fish...back to earning a crust!

Congratulations smiley - bubbly
Another fine entry from your goodself.smiley - smiley

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 13

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

I don't know enough about the subject to add anything;

But I really DID enjoy reading it, GB smiley - hug

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 14


I agree - I can't add anything, but I reckon this entry is really smiley - cool

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 15

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thanks a lot, everyone!smiley - smiley
smiley - hug

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 16


A fine article, I did spot a typo though, in the second section (I think) you have 'substanciated' instead of 'substantiated'.

Wonderful writing and a well balanced piece, you might think to mention that on the day of the funeral a Union Flag did fly over Buck House at half mast. This is absolutely the only time ever that the Sovereign's residence has flown a flag at half mast, the purpose of the flag is to illustrate the continuity of the monarchy so even after the death of a monarch the flag remains at the top of the pole - 'The King is dead, long live the King'.

Thankyou for contributing this, it was a joy to read.


A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 17

I'm not really here

Have you thought about adding the details of her memorial fountain? 3 million quid for a fountain in Hyde Park. an appropriate memorial they say on the radio. I think she would have perfered a cheap one from Wyevale, and to see the rest of the money go to the charities she supported.
This memorial will be for the living, not in memory of a dead princess.

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 18



A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 19

a girl called Ben

This is a very good entry.

I am not a Diana-fan, for various reasons I won't go into here, but I found absolutely nothing to quibble with. She was a complicated woman, who touched a huge number of people and did more good in her life than most of us could ever hope to.

Well done AGB. It's a very impressive piece.

a republican called Ben

A565166 - Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-97

Post 20


GB, maybe you'd like to end the quote, the one which end with footnote two...maybe put in a fullstop and quotation marks? smiley - winkeyesmiley - erm

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