A Conversation for CAMELOT (A place of enchantment and participation)

War Room

Post 61

Floh Fortuneswell

You're tasteless, li'l bro' smiley - laugh

War Room

Post 62

nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution)


As much as I wish to remain respectful, he DID choose one of "Juvenile Bombs".

Are interested in more complicated explosions?

War Room

Post 63

Floh Fortuneswell

Of course smiley - tongueout

War Room

Post 64

nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution)


Hmm, this one is a wish-bomb. You can "design" its explosion and the effect on every single person withing radius yourself.

Happy fireworks!

War Room

Post 65

Floh Fortuneswell

smiley - coolsmiley - tongueout

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