A Conversation for English Afternoon Tea on the Lawn

A sundial

Post 1

Gnomon - time to move on

In the centre of the formal garden is a small granite pedestal, surmounted by a bronze sundial. The gnomon is elaborately engraved with cherubs. The sundial bears the inscription "Serius est quam credes" (it's later than you think).

A sundial

Post 2

You can call me TC

Do you get lizards in England? (I know it's even less likely in Ireland) But here in the South of Germany, a sundial like that would have a lizard or two darting across it occasionally.

Time stands still on our summer lawn. The sun hangs in the sky - a perpetual ball of summer heat and endless tea time. Evening is always on the horizon, shade is unheard of, cups of tea are unlimited.

A sundial

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

There would definitely be lizards. You get lizards in the southeast corners of both England and Ireland. In England, there might even be grass snakes, but I'm sure they're banished from your garden.

A sundial

Post 4

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

There might also be Slow worms

A sundial

Post 5

You can call me TC

Well, I do have a secret weapon if things start to get too lively underfoot. Although it's probably more a weapon against over-lively things above the foot level .... wait and see.

Jeeves - do bring all these lovely people a cup of tea! Help yourselves to biscuits ... these are my favourites.

A sundial

Post 6

You can call me TC

Any of you chaps going to join in the cricket?


Don't spend too long in the Pavilion though (the food's not so good!!!) http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A542189

Come straight over here and I'll organise some refreshing fruit juices.

A sundial

Post 7

You can call me TC

That question was rather out of place here, I suppose, seeings as Swiv's organising the cricket and Gnomon is

a. on holiday
b. Irish so probably doesn't play anyway

Ho hum

A sundial

Post 8

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

I'd be careful who you insult smiley - winkeye
I hear Abi's cheese and pickle sandwiches can be deadly in the wrong person.

A sundial

Post 9

You can call me TC

Not wanting to insult, of course, but poor over-worked Abi can't possibly provide the fine selection of choice beverages our army of butlers is just dying to serve the visitors. (Quite honestly, I wouldn't mind popping into the pavillion for a nice real strong cup of tea and a cheese and pickle sandwich ... all those sweaty men in their cricket whites smiley - wow)

PS - Why is your name at the top of the "Who's online" when alphabetically sorted? Have you cracked the system?

A sundial

Post 10

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

Is it?
I really wouldn't have a clue.
I'm not for me - but then the list doesn't look too alphabetical from here.

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