A Conversation for The h2g2 Real-time Summer Party 7 July, 2001

Meet-Up Memories

Post 1

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I vividly remember not being there... and it being pretty quiet on h2g2... smiley - winkeye

Meet-Up Memories

Post 2

Frankie Roberto

1... 2... 3... 'ahhhhh'

Meet-Up Memories

Post 3

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - tongueout

::plays her own violin, very sad, and missing an inside joke:;

It's ok-- I'll be at ONE meet-up by the year 2004!!! SO THERE!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! you better watch out...

Meet-Up Memories

Post 4


smiley - yikes

smiley - run

Meet-Up Memories

Post 5

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - laugh Wait... where are you going!? Come back... smiley - tongueout

Meet-Up Memories

Post 6


Only joking

smiley - cheerupsmiley - hug

Meet-Up Memories

Post 7

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

OH!!! smiley - laugh hahahahaa... smiley - tongueout

:;takes flower:: thank you!!!

Meet-Up Memories

Post 8


You may not have been there, but we did come and visit h2g2 from the BBC experience!smiley - winkeye

Couldn't post anything from there though.smiley - sadface

Another time...?!smiley - hug

Meet-Up Memories

Post 9

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - hug

Meet-Up Memories

Post 10


Yeah, they didn't have any keyboards!

Dragonfly, there'll always be a place for you at h2g2 meets, you just need to come and fill it! I hope to see you there very soon!

Meet-Up Memories

Post 11


However... I think you should be warned that it is extremely likely that the meets are just as addictive as h2g2!smiley - silly

Meet-Up Memories

Post 12

Zak T Duck

I couldn't agree more, roll on the Spring Onion in August.

Can anyone tell me how I managed to get back to my hotel in Euston from the Ship & Shovell? I think I'm in need of some post-meetup memories.

Meet-Up Memories

Post 13

Don Alfredo

I am sorry I can't help you scout. I wonder how I made it to our hotel in Tuffnel Park.

It was a good meet wasn't it??

Meet-Up Memories

Post 14


My memory was gradually jogged on Sunday... but there's still a flight of stairs I have no recollection of whatsoever!smiley - drunk

It's a shame that the pub was sort of divided seating-wise, as there's lots of researchers I never got around to meeting.smiley - sadface

Yet...smiley - winkeye

Meet-Up Memories

Post 15

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

I have to vouch for the addictivity of the h2g2 meets... I can't afford a trip up to the north for the Spring Onion, so I'm quietly waiting for a meet in sudden September smiley - winkeye

Meet-Up Memories

Post 16

Don Alfredo

There might be a meet in september or oktober in Holland again. Could you make that??
smiley - smiley
I haven't got the money nor the time (=days free of work) to make it to the Manchester meet.

And yes I agree that I haven't spoken everybody on the meet. Or you had to do it like A Girl Called Frank, who went from table to table and introduced herself. But that is not really my style.

Meet-Up Memories

Post 17

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

I can definitely try and make a September dutch meet smiley - winkeye

October I should be starting at uni, which makes that tough but I'll clear time for a December or November christmas meet smiley - smiley

Meet-Up Memories

Post 18


I didn't meet Frank either.smiley - sadface

I'd love to go to the Dutch meet... we'll have to see about that one. Although I want to go to Southampton for the start of the Round the World yacht race, which is September/October time too I believe.

Maybe time for another mini meet down south?!smiley - winkeye


Meet-Up Memories

Post 19

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

I'm thinking about organising a minimeet for the Thames Valley area (London, Surrey, Bucks, Berks and Oxon) although I'm not sure how feasible that would be.

Meet-Up Memories

Post 20

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Having been there for all of an hour I suspect the best memory will be of confusing the few people I spoke to and then leaving smiley - winkeye
But, I thought I'd appear and promote the Northern meet-up aka the Spring Onion on August the 4th at the Trafford Centre, details can be found at A535907! smiley - smiley

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