A Conversation for Ballet at YOUR Age?

Adult Ballet

Post 1

Anwaith The Farwanderer

While I am writing from a second hand opinion, in my experience, many good ballet schools have an adult ballet program. Finding a good school can be a challenge.

The following advise is meant for all seekers of instruction, but is made even more relevent by the adult body's reduced ability to heal injury

Quoth my significant other (a certified Ballet Instructor): "Look for a Certified Instructor. Adult students are not as flexible and their instructors need to be more aware of the students limitations. A certified instructor will be trained in Kinesiology and more able to prevent injury. Certifications are offered from the following organizations: Royal Academy of Dancing (RAD), Cecchetti Council of America (CCA), Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance (ISTD), and recently the Vagonava Schools in Russia have re-started their training for teachers. Also a number of colleges offer degrees in Dance Medicine and Dance Kinesiology, which would help the instructors prevent injury in their students.

A former dancer, with no training in teaching methods, may be able to show people what the the former dancer could do, but may not know the best way to handle the special needs of your body."

These are the links to the organizations mentioned above:

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Happy Dancing

Adult Ballet

Post 2

Ju, Dazed and Confused

Thanks for your helpful message. I'm not sure why the URLs you posted have been removed, though.

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