Ballet at YOUR Age?

3 Conversations

Not a very kind remark, I know. Especially if you're that age. Yeah, you know you're "that age" when people look at you incredulously when you say you want to take up/have taken up ballet for the first time.

So, you're a not-that-young-anymore balletomane? Join the club!

I picked up ballet again a few years ago, as an adult, and there wasn't much I could find on the Internet that would help someone in my position.1. Seeing as how people give up without proper support and encouragement, I figured I should do my part in filling some of that void.

Hurrah! There are others like you and me out there! Dance-related message boards are where you'll find like-minded people with a passion for ballet who are only too willing to help.

  • Critical Dance Forum2

  • AdultBallet on Yahoo Groups3

COMING SOON: Ballet for non-nubile bodies? Is it possible?

Note to anyone visiting:

If you're reading this, leave me a message (so I know someone's been here!)
1Except for this fantastic site - Blue Diamond Dance.2Critical Dance.3AdultBallet.

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