A Conversation for Ballet at YOUR Age?
Holmesgurl Started conversation Oct 4, 2003
I'm glad you're in ballet. No matter what you age may be! I'm 16 and I've been dancing for 12 years. I love your writing!
Ju, Dazed and Confused Posted Nov 13, 2003
Hi Holmesgurl!
I started when I was 3 or 4 too, but I gave up after 8 years or so because of the way ballet was taught here. All the teachers I came across were very exam-oriented, and there was never enough focus on doing ballet for the love of it. Since you've been doing ballet for 12 years, I hope you will keep at it -- don't let other people's ambitions and expectations kill your love for dance!
MayaRay Posted Oct 2, 2004
I practiced ballet for 7 years but was forced to quit when I was 14 as a result of my parents just being too poor to afford it however kind their intentions. I had just gotten my first pair of "en pointe shoes" and was told if I worked hard enough I could make it to Juilliard. Needless to say having to give up so much at an early age made for a nice defeated outlook for years afterward.
I'm starting dance again. Next week. And I just found this article.
Maybe no one will read this, but if you're listening....what is it you never got to do? And why are you letting anything stop you now?
Go after your dream...that's what makes you human.
MrsCloud Posted Nov 11, 2004
I'm 25 and took up ballet two years ago and am breaking in my first pair of pointe shoes as I type, wish me luck I think I'm going to need it with these.
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