A Conversation for

A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 41


Well, I've asked for clarification and justification for their actions. If you're interested in how things are going in the QUICK! QUICK! OH MY GOD! HIDE IT! HIDE IT! site...errrr...Moderation Help Desk that is. Here's the thread. http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F63567?thread=115107 And people wonder why I use the quote I do? ~�~ �hadow [From time to time, every man is tempted to hoist the skull and crossbones and slit a few throats just to get the job done.] (Hmmm...suddenly makes a little more sense now doesn't it?)

A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 42


I would speculate that at some point someone made the mistake of asking a lawyer who said something on the line of "Well, it is a quote, ain't it?"

Having obtained the opinion, is there a really a chance of that lawyer reversing him/herself.

smiley - sigh I have a lot of respect for lawyers when they say I *can* do something, but the real test seems to be when it comes before a judge, don't it? smiley - smiley


A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 43

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

Hi Shadow
I should have been back here sooner to say I'm really sorry I lost on getting your entry through. I really enjoyed it and wish you the very best of luck with the moderators. smiley - hug

A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 44


Thank you, I know you did all you could and I appreciate the recommendation greatly! I'm working on the monitors and Peta right now, she's got the executive veto so to speak. It'll either make it or it won't and if it doesn't, then I'll just have to rewrite it until they're happy with it or get sick of me resubmitting it over and over again and just accept it. Stubborn? Who me? Nah, though I did beat a boulder in a staring contest once.
~§~ smiley - skull

[From time to time, every man is tempted to hoist the skull and crossbones and slit a few throats just to get the job done.]

A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 45


You cheated. That boulder was sedimentary not igneous and didn't have enough of a chance to make it a contest. smiley - smiley

Keep fighting, chum. At least, it's still here in Peer Review.


A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 46


Nah, I'm letting it die. They don't want to do the work involved in finding out if Disney would object, after all why attract unwanted attention, so I'll just let it be. Overall, I'm getting burnt out on the whole place. I'm just waiting to hear one way or the other on the E-Hoaxes and webrumors article. If it doesn't get picked up fairly soon, I'll let that one die too and take a nice long extended break. I'm just burnt out with the rediculousness that's become what used to be a fun place.

A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 47

Martin Harper

Why don't you do the work to find out if Disney would object? Mail them the GuideML, plus copyright notice, and ask them if they feel it was an infringement of their copyright. If you get a good response, CC: it to h2g2.feedback

Well, that's what I'd do - but if you don't care about this entry any more, then that's fine too. Shame, though.

A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 48

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

Oh yes! Do it Shadow! Don't give up! Tigger wouldn't! Imagine the dance you can do if Disney give you the nod. Imagine the party we can all have.....

smiley - biggrin

A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 49


Too late, it's already deleted. I've gotten a bit ticked with the Plowers in the Towers antics and actions lately and am taking a nice loooooooooooooong break from here. Hopefully they'll eventually remember what DNA and everyone else was trying to accomplish here and drop all this XXXX'ing (<~~~insert your own favorite curse word here) about and get back to what it's supposed to be.

I called them sellouts and corporate shills in my own My Space regarding some actions they'd taken and it got moderated for it. LOL! Sad state of affairs when one can't even voice objection to rediculous treatment without being censored for it.

I may come back to h2g2 eventually, but I doubt it. I've unsubscribed to all the conversations I was involved in, including this one. I just dropped by out of curiousity, when I saw it was still in Peer Review and had a couple entries after my last one.
Best of luck to everyone,

A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 50

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Given the current state of things, I think this thread needs to be removed from Peer Review -- there are all sorts of things that could be usefully discussed on this thread, but none of them are really in the realm of PR.

What do y'all think?


A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 51


Usefully discussed? Like what for instance, if you don't mind my asking? I'm genuinely curious.

A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 52

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Things on this thread that I could see blooming into interesting and productive conversations:

* at what point would it actually be worth it to approach disney and ask them for permission? if successful, how would that affect how the BBC sees us researchers dealing with copyright issues?

* this is one of those gray areas in the interpretation of copyright law. how does how the size and litigiousness smiley - smiley of the company affect that interpretation? (for example, disney is a mega-conglomerate and is known for aggressively going after anyone who trips over their copyright boundaries)

things like that. but done of them really fit in peer review. smiley - smiley

smiley - online2long

A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 53

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Sorry thing, seeing you cut down on everything smiley - sadface

Re: post 50 -- I second the move.

Bossel (Scout)

A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 54


Assuming that Shadow has left h2g2, at least for now, this thread no longer belongs in PR.

So, yes. I go along with removing it.

It would be nice if threads like this end up attached to the article in question, rather than burried in the Sin Bin.


A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 55

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Yes, that's my intention too!

If ever someone is going to collect information for an update of an entry then it's best if all threads are to be found below their respective entries - that's my point, but the PTB seem to differ smiley - erm

A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 56


Well, this is not the first time this suggestion has been made. I suppose that if it is worthwhile, we must continue to suggest it.

smiley - smiley


A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 57

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

I am deeply disappointed to see that I shall not have the opportunity to read what looks, judging from the comments of others, like a very fun entry.

I am further disappointed that zeal (or possibly paranoia) regarding possible or potential copyright infringement not only made an article, but also an h2g2 contributing researcher feel the need to leave.smiley - sadface

I seem to remember someone in another thread having said h2g2 needed to 'prize and coddle' contributing researchers. Not only was Shadow a researcher, but also a volunteer in several capacities. It is not every day someone like that comes along.

This mess is a shame, IMO. I am particularly distressed by the removal of a posting from Shadow's 'space', which, if I read the thread correctly, was critical of h2g2. Is curtailment of freedom of speech consistent with h2g2 and BBC policy (assuming Shadow broke no House Rules)?

Anyone, please inform. Thank you.

Arpeggio, for LeKZ

A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 58

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Arpeggio, that would be a good question to ask at the Moderation Helpdesk! Obviously, the BBC are reading the house rules the way /they/ want to.

Bossel (Goo Berret)

A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 59

Martin Harper

Well - technically it wouldn't - Peta doesn't like people asking about other people's moderated text... smiley - sadface

Xanthia - been there, tried that

A540127 - How to Perform the WDLLAOB

Post 60


Thank you kindly for the compliments Arpeggio. The moderated text has been restored in my My Space area, though my faith in H2G2 has not. I still drop by once in a blue moon, more out of nostalgia than anything else. I sincerely doubt I'll be contributing anything any time soon and it's an absolute certainty I won't be contributing my time. It's far too valuable to waste on those that don't even appreciate it and worse, actually consider it an annoyance to have to take the time to deal with you should something unusual arise.

We are volunteers no longer, we're just dupes now. Hence the reason I quit. I dislike working for these people for THEIR profit, and without even receiving appreciation or recognition for it. In the beginning things were faaar different. They understood that the only reason they even HAD a job is because so many gave of themselves freely in an attempt to achieve an idea conceived by one man they all mutually respected and admired.

However, as people are won't to do all too often, this man died. Perhaps considering how things have become and how his idea has been twisted, it's better this way. So...sadly the ideal that went with the idea, died with him and they that remained chose to follow the path of least resistance. The ultimate goal now is to become a corporate sell out. An automaton with no free will and spouting the company line, while sipping company coffee from a company mug, wearing a company shirt and living in a company cubicle farm.

Let us become like those around us automatons! Independants, renegades and free thinkers NO MORE! Conformity will be our watch-word and Moderation shall be our battle-cry! Be careful what you say, lest you offend someone's delicate sensibilities. Everything must achieve a PG-13 rating or less or else! Don't DARE speak a foreign language, because we can't understand it, we won't be able to CENSOR what you say. Coloring outside the lines is bad and coloring the sky red instead of blue is just plain evil! Conform! Write the same way as everyone else, learn GuideML or your article will be passed over, change everything WE tell you to and after WE do accept it, then WE're going to rewrite it the way WE want anyway! NO you don't get a say in the matter, it's OUR's now!

And when The Guide is released in hand-held portable versions, will you even receive a discount when purchasing one out of appreciation for all your freely given time, energy, effort and creative skills? Don't be rediculous, THEY are doing us the favor of allowing us to write, work and slave for them and earn them money. We should be grateful they even condescend to read what we've written, after all, there's MUCH better things they could be doing with their valuable time and don't you even THINK of ever sending them an email! Why don't you know they're faaar too busy with other things and it's not only wrong of you to even think of sending one, it's just plain inconsiderate.

::Chuckles:: Think I'm ranting? Wrong, I have personally encountered every single one of these from the H2G2 PAID staff members. Peta, Mark, Abi, and the rest. Most recently, when trying to spread the word about the Towel Day idea in memorium of DNA, I was told to quit spamming. Quit spamming! Spamming is when you innundate people with stuff they could care less about and annoy them. Trying to get the word out about a way to memorialize the man who's responsible for all of us being here on this site in a personal manner is now considered annoying people?!?!?!

After trying to explain what I was doing by emailing them back, I was told in no uncertain terms that emailing them back was not only wrong, but just plain inconsiderate. Well folks, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. So...this broken down old camel is headin out in search of an oasis where he can rest up and recuperate. I still poke my nose in from time to time, but not on a regular basis of any sort. If anyone feels the need to respond to this in some manner, the fastest way to get a responce out of me is email. So here's my address and unlike the Plowers in the Tower, I DO respond to every single peice of mail I get. [email protected]

See ya around,
~The used and abused no longer...Shadow

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