A Conversation for Attack Of The Mutant Expressions

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 61

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

'To fall between two stools'

I used to 'misrender' this as 'two schools' as in 'schools of thought' smiley - doh

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 62

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh That one almost makes sense!

Entry: Common Examples Of Misrendered Phrases - A53172119
Author: Malabarista - 244 new blobs hunted down and indexed at A53308361 - U1528154

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 63

McKay The Disorganised

It's a good piece Mal, but you've got to change the title.

What about Idomatic Misconceptions.

smiley - cider

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 64

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - cool That's almost a good title! smiley - somersault But they're not all idioms. smiley - erm

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 65

Malabarista - now with added pony

How about "Attack of the Mutant Expressions"? smiley - silly

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 66


how about "expressions you thought you knew" (although that might irritate people never caught out) or dare something like "old chestnuts getting roasted"
smiley - bubbly

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 67

Sho - employed again!

I like attack of the mutant expressions.

Can you make it Attack of the Mutant Ninja Zombie Expressions?
smiley - run

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 68

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh No pirates?

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 69

Sho - employed again!

No that will be the follow-up article:
Attack of the Mutant Ninja Zombie Pirate Expressions II - the Beginning.

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 70

Malabarista - now with added pony

Added the fell swoop.

Wondering about tung oil, which I've seen as "tongue oil"...

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 71

Gnomon - time to move on

Never heard of it.

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 72

Icy North

Neither had I (but I just looked it up).

It may be too obscure for this entry, Mala.

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 73

Malabarista - now with added pony

Ok, I'll leave it out, then. It's probably too obscure if the readers don't happen to work with wood a lot.

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 74

Malabarista - now with added pony

Found another likely candidate, though - I just saw "beyond the pail" in the wild smiley - laugh

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 75


That is correct as it is do you want an explanation Malsmiley - smiley

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 76

Malabarista - now with added pony

No, it's not correct. The correct version is "beyond the pale" - it doesn't mean "my bucket runneth over" smiley - winkeye

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 77

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Looks good to me smiley - smiley

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 78


Hi Mal
The pale this refers to is the original wooden city wall or the city limits of Dublin.
Those who lived beyond it were rule of English law, odd and beyond control.
The term beyond the pale beyond the rule of law and reason.

The original spelling(s) were Pale Payle And Pail The derivation is a shortened version of palisade, and it is thought by some that the original was Pali from the latin pal, from palus or stake.

This is 1450 English and standardisation of spelling had not yet happened.

I think it is misunderstood but not necessarily misspelt.

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 79

Malabarista - now with added pony

But spelling has been standardised now, and I found far too many google hits having to do with buckets smiley - winkeye

"Pail" is no longer defined as anything other than a small bucket.

A53172119 - Commonly Misheard Phrases

Post 80

Malabarista - now with added pony

(Oh, and there are other pales - in Calais, and most notably in Russia, where the Pale was a Jewish ghetto...)

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