A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem
name calling
Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups Started conversation Jun 11, 2009
I wish I were as good as the stretcher contestants and brave enough in the first place to have volunteered to be one.
Still I've never had my name in a poem before and like this one.
name calling
Beatrice Posted Jun 11, 2009
Glamorous world???? Oh my dear, don't be fooled by all that we fling about the place...we're all shivering in our garrets dontcha know
name calling
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted Jun 11, 2009
Glad you liked it, Opti.
It's not just the , Bea. I mean, think of all those sophisticated and privileged people, on a yacht, hung with jewels.
name calling
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted Sep 8, 2009
Now there's an idea. I saw in a tabloid today that some woman from Frankfurt has 'designed' an iPod worth €220,000.
I thought that's incredibly silly.
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