A Conversation for The Sharpe Novels by Bernard Cornwell

Sgt. Obadiah Hakeswill

Post 1

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Sharpe's oldest enemy was the twitching psychopath Obidiah Hakeswill. Hakeswill suffered from a nervous twitch in his face and hideous scarring on the neck caused by an event at the age of 12 he was hanged and left to die. When his uncle cut him down, Hakeswill began to think he was invulnerable, a man who could not be killed. It was Hakeswill who enlisted 'Sharpie' (Hakeswill's taunting nickname for Sharpe) into the 33rd foot where he framed Sharpe and had him flogged. He later murdered Sharpe's friend Hector McCandless at Assaye.

Hakeswill followed Sharpe into the South Essex, he had Patrick Harper framed for a crime he did not commit, had him flogged and then deserted after the siege of Badajoz. As a deserter he murdered Sharpe's wife Teresa Moreno but was eventually brought to justice.

However, a firing squad was no match for the 'immortal' Hakeswill and he had to be finished off with a rifle shot to the head from Sharpe before being unceremoniously dumped in an unmarked grave.

Psycorp and Terran, I've copied this from your Entry. I'd like to suggest a few minor changes, if that's ok with you, (and Sho) this bit can be changed to green. smiley - smiley

nervous twitch *in* his face ~> nervous twitch *on* his face

When his uncle cut him down, Hakeswill began to think he was invulnerable, ~> after his uncle saved his life by cutting him down, Hakeswill began to believe he was invulnerable,

Hakeswill followed Sharpe into the South Essex ~> Hakeswill also joined South Essex.

and then deserted ~> and then Hakeswill deserted

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