A Conversation for The Sharpe Novels by Bernard Cornwell

Sharpe's character

Post 1

Sho - employed again!

are we just going to basically cover the plots and the various characters?

or should we include maybe a wee bit about his motivation?

I mean: Sharpe obviously loves the Army - it gives him that sense of family that he didn't have growing up, I guess. Also, since he grew up in an institution, the institutionalised life of the Army proably appeals - although he is enough of an individual and rebel for the regulations to grate. He does know, usually, just how far he can push the boundaries (and when he's in danger of going too far, he has people like Hogan, Lawford and Harper to rein him back in)

The desire (apart from a sort of "f**k you all, look how good I am despite my disadvantaged background" attitude) to become an officer is strange - Sharpe knows that the men despise the rich ones, and that they despise ex-rankers even more - and still he wants to be an officer. Why is that? Is it because he knows that when push comes to a shove, he is the sort of officer who can not only get the job done (secondary priority) and keep his men alive (main priority)?

anyhoooooo I'd love to expand a bit on this.

Also the digs that Bernard Cornwell gets in about the English behaviour in Ireland. He mentions often enough that getting a meal now and again is just about Harper's only motivation for fighting for the British. (Sharpe agains shows just how far he is prepared to push - he doesn't openly criticise the British occupation of Ireland, but allows Harper to make some comment about that, although not enough so that he would have to reprimand him about it)

Sharpe's character

Post 2

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Yeah ok, If you want to write a paragraph that will fit between the two paragraphs under the header 'Sharpe the Soldier' that'd be great. smiley - smiley

smiley - bluebutterfly

Sharpe's character

Post 3

Sho - employed again!

oki, I'll do him tonight... er I mean... well smiley - blush

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