Silver Sword - Game Rules

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smiley - This is the Official Rules page for Silver Sword; an Interactive Fantasy.smiley -

Multiversal Rules

First of all, as always, the h2g2 House Rules will apply. Also, on no Conversation Forum related to this game will anyone be addressed as a dog when out of character.smiley - smiley -
In order to help provide the best roleplaying experience possible for the majority of players, no player's character(s) are allowed to perform any profane, obscene or otherwise non-family-friendly actions, and no player killing is allowed in the h2g2 implementation of this game without consent of the victim character's player.

While religions do exist within the places described in this game, no god, goddess, devil or demonlike creatures are allowed.

Posting In-Character (general threadequitte)

On first joining a thread, players are encouraged to state their character's name and info in their first post. Example: (Lightning Terran Thief Robin Hood) After that, players are required to include their character's first or primary name in each post to ensure that other players know whom to direct their character's responses towards. It is best to get this basic information memorized.

Dialouge is most easily displayed with square brackets like this: "[Robin] I'm the best shot in all of England!"

Actions are basically any text that is outside of dialouge lines, and is often designated by stars, like this: "*Robin swings staff at Little John*"

Posting Out-Of-Character (general threadequitte)

Commentary that is out of character should be between <OOC> and </OOC> tags, like this:
"<OOC>Can my character be a Knight?</OOC>" OOC means "Out Of Character."

Organized Quest Rules

In Organized Quests, players post the actions that their characters will attempt to take, and the Dungeon Master replies with the success/failure of their actions and all their sensory data. As such, players control character's consious minds, not their actual bodies and equipment.

All players that participate in Organized Quests are obligated to post at least about once a week. Organized Quest characters that do not respond after a month or more without prior notice may be left behind or turned into table supports, unless the Dungeon Master is also gone or other extraordinary circumstances happen.

The Dungeon Master of an Organized Quest is immune to his/her own rules, and can grant or take away immunity from specific rules at any time. (such as the weekly posting)

All players are obligated to follow any direct instructions given them by the Dungeon Master of the quest related to roleplay within the game. All player's characters must be on the Silver Sword Players List prior to participating in an Organized Quest unless said instructions directly specify otherwise. (Only characters that comply with the official standards set down in the Silver Sword Character Creation Center will be added to the list)

Peer-to-Peer Roleplaying Rules

Peer-to-peer roleplaying stories are not overseen by a Dungeon Master and are not official storylines of the game. Players may participate in Peer-to-Peer roleplay at any time, but are still required to register characters. These players are encouraged to...

1. Take on responsiblities within the gameworld such as Knighthood or store ownership.

2. Form clans, guilds, societies and parties - which can include visits by groups of members from other h2g2 Clubs and Societies to this one.

3. Obey the laws set down by the government - or not!

4. When in locations specified as dangerous areas, posting about the appearances and subsequent attacks of monsters.

However, these players are NOT encouraged to:

1. Force actions on players other than theirs.

2. Disobey or disreguard direct orders from Dungeon Masters.

3. Attempt to take actions that are outside the scope of their character's abilities. (such as non-Wizards attempting to use magic)

While the government of the game world can be disobeyed at will, groups of players will eventually be sent out to capture criminals. Only in cases such as these does a Dungeon Master step in to settle such disputes, by re-enforcing the actions of groups of players over single players. A system of law and order will eventually be developed as the game expands, and information on the difference between it and the Official Rules will be availible at this entry.

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