A Conversation for Anime

Anime Bashers: Are They Scum?

Post 1

Original Jackrabbit (OJR)

People go on and on about how anime and manga are all either futuristic or medievel. Has anyone seen, perhaps, Gunsmith Cats, which is set firmly in 1990's Chicago.
The "saucer-eyes"? That's part of the damn style! Are you the kind of people who criticize Picasso for his angular designs, or Turner for "always painting too much sky"? Anyway, they are not all doe-eyed teenagers, take a look at Patlabor or Ghost in the Shell then.
As for plotless or unprofound, watch Perfect Blue. In my opinion, a masteriece of modern cinematography. PB is the "anti-anime" in your eyes, having a storyline, pace and thrill among the Hitchock greats. The eyes are only very slightly enlarged and it is very well acted, with a minimum of swearing.
Admittedly there is some nudity and blood but it is an 18 rated horror/thriller after all. And, before you lay into those facts remember that the 'classic' Titanic was only a 12 in the UK and you had Mr DiCaprio drawing Ms Winsletts intimate bits. In the swear happy smut-o-thon of American Pie (funny, but naughty) you saw and heard some truly nasty stuff (the foamy beer, perhaps?) at only a 15, minus the plot. As for gore, Saving Private Ryan takes it. Shot to ribbons by gunfire? Surely not!
These are all great films, but they all prove my point. That is, the genre of Anime is stereotyped, and the sex, violence and gore are only highlighted because they are 'cartoons'. Stop equating this extremely valid genre as the same as Loony Tunes, for it BLOODY WELL IS NOT!!!

(NB If you have got this far, thank you very much for reading it all, now reply!)

Anime Bashers: Are They Scum?

Post 2

Headmaster Cid

I concur. If you wan't some really socally stimulating Anime, go look at Grave of the Fireflys, Barefoot Gen, Wings of Honnamese, or (my personal favorite) Rojin Z. Sadly, much anime looses its bite after translation, so think of it this way: Only the very best anime is translated well. Mediorce and poor anime gets worse, and comes out as about as good a B-movie soft porn. Still if you're looking for the kind of stuff that won't win an adaemy award, but you might like anyways, try Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Ninja Scroll (total guy movie), or Iria.

Anime Bashers: Are They Scum?

Post 3

Original Jackrabbit (OJR)

Hey doc,
It's OJR here to tell you THANK GOD!!
At last someone who really appreciates Anime.
Do you think that the article should be changed?
I hope we can be friends.

Anime Bashers: Are They Scum?

Post 4

Headmaster Cid

Yeah, man, I know what you mean. This Hentai thing is out of control. It might not be so bad if there was a little more quality control on the translations, otherwise, it seems like porn. If the diolouge wasn't so good, what's to stop Ghost in the Shell to stop from becoming soft porn? See my point? Its all about quallity.

Anime Bashers: Are They Scum?

Post 5

Original Jackrabbit (OJR)

Damn Right!!

Anime Bashers: Are They Scum?

Post 6


Animé rocks. Especially stuff like Gunsmith cats. And Oh my goddess. And the intro and endin sequences to ALUNDRA. And Sailor Moon. And Pok- Sorry, cancel that one. An BURN UP W. And RANMA. And You're Under Arrest!. And Urusei Yatsura. And SLAYERS. And Ghost In The Shell. And more... Oh, and Animé bashers are the scum of Beltugese (I hope I Didn't misspell that.) smiley - smiley

Anime Bashers: Are They Scum?

Post 7


Animé rocks. Again. I hope we can all be friends. Oh, god- Internet time up. CYA!

Anime Bashers: Are They Scum?

Post 8

Headmaster Cid

Well, for a rookie to the guide, you get around alot. Lots of forum entries. Check out my page, or OJR's if you have time. I did an entry a day for about five days!
So then, welcome to the fold. Aparently, we three seem to be on the forefront of some kind of animation rennisance; spreading the word that not all anime is trash.

-Citan Uzuki.

PS You ever played Landstalker for the Genesis? It was made by the same guys who did Alundra... weird stuff. Like some kind of strange prequel.

Anime Bashers: Are They Scum?

Post 9

Original Jackrabbit (OJR)

Never played that one. However, a good friend of mine is always singing Alundra's praises (nice name by the way). I say that all the anime and manga fans must unite under a single banner. Any catchy militant group names would be appreciated. We could even write a guide entry about it. How abut CAAC (Crusaders Against Anime Cussing). Pretty lame, but funny.

Anime Bashers: Are They Scum?

Post 10

Headmaster Cid

No, no... too hard too say. Three letters is better. I used to have a small, unerestimated Wormclan called the WLF (Worm Liberation Front), but we certainly can't be called the Anime Liberation Front-- too many Alf jokes. ("You remember Alf don't you, Bart? He's back... In pog form!" -- Milhouse from The Simpsons) Within the WLF was a clandestine group of "Hitmen" dubbed the Tengu-den. We could use something symbolic like the Tengu-den name (Tengu< Shinto crow-demon; belived to cause freak accidents and misfortune. -Den or ten< suffix signifying "warrior" or "knight.").
What I'm trying to say is that we need something memorable. Spiffy slogans help too.

Anime Bashers: Are They Scum?

Post 11


Yeah, Landstalkeer is great. Wierd, and very linear, but cool. But MY game's still better. What about the M.A.N.G.A.? Manga. (AND) Animé. Not. Garbage. Assosiation. or the ANIMé? Animé. Not. Idiotic. Magnificent. (AND) Exiting.? Well? There are SO many!!!

Anime Bashers: Are They Scum?

Post 12



Anime Bashers: Are They Scum?

Post 13

Original Jackrabbit (OJR)

Hey guys!
I've been thinking and have spewed forth some possible names.
AMF - Anime/Manga Federation
MAD - Manga/Anime Defenders
AA - Anime Anonymous (also MA)
The Otaku Concordance or TOC

Well, my name juice is running low but I have a nifty slogan idea.
Picture sailor Chibi Moon's head in a regular geometric shape e.g. hexagon, with the acronym underneath.

Mata ne!
(see ya!)

Animé really is Die Besten.

Post 14


Some more names: MAP (Manga and Animé People)
PAM (People for Animé and Manga
Matainance, or whatever it was smiley - winkeye

Animé really is Die Besten.

Post 15

This Here Giraffe

Konnichiwa indeed.

It's nice to know i'm not the only otaku here.

Just a thought, but if western production companies took Anime a little more seriously, the misconceptions it suffers in most people's minds wouldn't be quite so horrific.


(But please, if you must have Chibi's head as a logo, at least have it thrust on a spike)

Animé really is Die Besten.

Post 16

Original Jackrabbit (OJR)

Another addition to the fold
I was just going through a "I love cute things" phase
Anyhow, If you can come up with some better ideas, tell me
E-mail me at [email protected]
If you can sling together something in Coreldraw or paint, all the better

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