A Conversation for Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster Recipes

Another PGGB recipe...

Post 1


This is actually from my friend Dave and I know he waves to you all. He was pretty soused at the time he gave me the recipe and, since I don't know about alcohol, I think he may have repeated himself. Ah well, here it is at any rate.

One ounce of Midori
One ounce of 100 proof vodka
One ounce of rum
One ounce of Bacardi 151
One ounce of sweetened lemon / lime juice
Pour it all over ice then fill with Sprite.

I'm told it tastes like Gatorade...tho I don't think Zaphod had that in mind when he created it.

Another PGGB recipe...

Post 2

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

Thanx, but I have to ask... How did you find this page? I notice that you're new and most newbies don't find much, so I'm curious.

Another PGGB recipe...

Post 3


I did a search for PGGB recipies before I posted. No need to start a whole new Guide entry for something that already existed, but that I could add to.

Another PGGB recipe...

Post 4

Researcher 180371

While appreciating that all the above recipies would surely make a fabulously tasty early evening beverage, they all seem to be missing the one legal ingredient to give a truely galactic shattering edge. Absinthe, especially mixed with Cassis. Apparently it's banned throuhgout Europe, but we can get it in the UK. Waitrose has even started stocking it!
(If legality isn't a problem a dash of Mescaline, would spice it up a treat)

Another PGGB recipe...

Post 5

Researcher 180743

you can sill get abstinth bu ton in its weak form because it used to Littilary rot brains and so was banned after the 2nd world war. the ingredients for the real pan galatic gargle blaster that cna be made in this country are

2 ounces absinth but pernod will do.
4 drops of liquid lsd
1 ounce of vodka
1 ounce mescal

freeze the above take out of the freezer and scrape the ice from the mixture(this will take sum time) and what is left wil garente a great hit

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