Take 5
Created | Updated Jun 20, 2003

Every day five new approved entries are recommended on the
h2g2 Main Page. These go by unnoticed to
most users as they focus around their own page. This weekly article points out and reviews the five most entertaining and interesting entries of the week.
Lateral Thinking writes about
how this concept came about. I didn't realise that a single person was credited with thinking
it up. Though not boldly entertaining for a casual read, the entry mentions Lateral Thinking
techniques that may serve very useful if you are ever faced with a problem that feels
'unsolvable'. This entry inspires you to stretch your viewpoint and is, therefore, definitely
worth a read.Hole Punches describes these
often-used, yet often-ignored, objects to extreme detail - well, it doesn't quite detail the
spring mechanism, but still... It is nice to reflect on every day objects and analyze their
function and methods as if seeing them for the first time. It goes on to try and complain
about the great waste of paper that hole-punches make. Finally, it changes mood and praises
the hole-puncher. Remember, without these objects what would those poor ticket checkers use to
make their mark?Newspaper Boxes informs us of
these thankfully rare-in-Britain contraptions, and the insignificant, yet irritating, dangers
they might impose. I guess that the only machines that come close to this level of annoyance
are the chocolate machines on the London Underground - is there proof of anything inside
them??? Anyway, this entry provides you with good pointers to deal with newspaper boxes, and
what to watch out for that may spoil your newspaper-buying experience.
Androids talks through the
different types of (you guessed it) Androids and other mechanised AI type 'creature'. Though
this knowledge might not serve too much purpose for everyday life, it is nice to clarify one's
Sci-fi dictionary now and then. Also, it gives you a chance to actually understand what your
Star Trek-loving friends are on about (just a chance, not a miracle). The entry does talk
about the limitations of science (or is that reality?), which prevent us from creating these
(for no reason) hideous creatures. The article, however, does seem to imply it might be
possible in the future. Hopefully, by then, they'll have learnt from Sci-fi to take
presentation into consideration...Dunnies goes on (and on) about
the toilet. Yes. Though it might be inconceivable, someone has managed to write a
one-and-a-half-thousand-word entry on lavatories - and this only deals with the external one!
In this case, sectioning is definitely needed - who would imagine someone knowing so much
about toilet history! After deeply describing the 'egestion-disposal device', the entry
indulges in a fully detailed history. This is followed by construction methods and placement
tips - No! Buying one is not an option! To wrap it up, comes a hopeful yet pleasantly bleak
vision for the future for the Dunny - it's continuing demise!