Talking Point: Getting Over the Festivities

6 Conversations

An alarm clock with streamers draped on it

It's the New Year, and if you're anything like us, you'll fall neatly into one of two groups:

  • Happy - Yeah! It's a brand new year, it was great to see all your friends over the festive period, and Santa brought you everything you asked for. It's 2001, and all you need is love... and a chance to pick up some great bargains in the January sales. It just doesn't get better than this!

  • Far From Happy - It still hurts. It started hurting after the office Christmas party, and you still haven't found another job. You've developed an allergic reaction to turkey after being forced to eat it for two weeks solid. Not only have you run out of Alka Seltzer, but so has your local chemist. None of your clothes fit any more, even the huge knitted sweater your Gran gave you for Christmas... again. Your liver is threatening to go on strike unless you treat it with more respect. And worst of all, it's January, a miserable month with no bank holidays, horrible weather and terrible TV.

Whichever way you look at it, Christmas and the New Year have a justified reputation for excess, and January is traditionally associated with abstinence and penance (or, to put it another way, New Year's Resolutions).

Do you have any good tips for helping us all to recover from the gluttony of the Festive Season? If so, share it with the world, and help us all get ready for next Christmas!

Not long now... smiley - smiley

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