A Conversation for Talking Point: Getting Over the Festivities

The Liver's Best Friend...Milkthistle

Post 1

Go-Go Girl

...If alcohol has been consumed immoderately, Milkthistle is an absolutely wonderful rescue remedy. In fact I would deem it a MUST whenever any form of partying involving alcohol as it greatly aids detoxification and helps the liver regenerate. Milkthistle is available in both capsule and liquid forms, as with most products of this nature, I believe the liquid form (diluted in water) is effective more quickly.

Put it this way, without Milkthistle I would probably have to ask Santa for a new liver next year....

The Liver's Best Friend...Milkthistle

Post 2


By an amazing co-incidence I just recommended Milk Thistle to Mark, the Editor of h2g2. I think his liver is suffering in a big way! smiley - hangover I'll let you know if it works... smiley - smiley

The Liver's Best Friend...Milkthistle

Post 3

Go-Go Girl

If his liver is really complaining then I would recommend that he takes up to 1000 mgs of Milkthistle per day - this will make it feel all 'shiny and new'.

If energy bursts are required I find Co-enzyme Q10, (40 mgs per day) is magical. It is a life saver during the party season - I find it prevents me from feeling 'washed out' and allows me to operate normally, even enthusiastically, whilst burning the candle at both ends.

Good luck to Mark. smiley - smiley

The Liver's Best Friend...Milkthistle

Post 4


Great thanks. I'll tell him about that too. It's probably pretty good advice if it comes from someone called Go-Go Dancing Queen... smiley - smiley

The Liver's Best Friend...Milkthistle

Post 5

Go-Go Girl

Right!smiley - winkeye Too many years of partying under my belt...and never enough time to stay in...I find living in London seriuosly contributes to sleep deprivation...

GGDQsmiley - smiley

The Liver's Best Friend...Milkthistle

Post 6


We're in London too. I know *exactly* what you mean! smiley - smiley

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