A Conversation for Talking Point: National Identity

The British as a nation of tea drinkers - a different view.

Post 1


To the average Britt tea is a drink of great importance, one could even say that British and Tea ---
On examintaion of the national drink, it happens that every public place it is served you have to drink it before it stews.
Tea - the ordinary "indian" tea contains quite a number of substances - what makes tea taste is a family of substances called aromatics - when tea is made in the ordinary way an extraordinarily small amount of this is released. What makes tea bitter are the tannins - which are very soluble.
Therefore to make a good cup of tea we need more aromatics and less tannins - the funny thing is it can be done - in fact a stewless cup of tea is very easy to make - it so simple that it beggars belief - use less tea - if you use approximately 1/6th of the ordinary amount you can boil it and make a better cup.
Interestingly enough the vast majority of nations do just that.
If the Brits used 1/6 of the amount of tea - someone would make a lot less money.
Now heres a bit of an interesting concept - if what ive said is true then the british cuppa is based on a falsehood, and if tea is synanamous with British - now theres a concept.

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The British as a nation of tea drinkers - a different view.

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