A Conversation for My Office, Ship, and Minions....

Fleet Command

Post 1

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

~From Yo's office you are lead into an ajacent Turbolift and are sent deep down towards the core of the planet to a room.~

The room that you have been lead into is the central hub of the communications of the Fleet. It is filled with Intelligence officers and an Elite guard. The equipment in here is advanced beyond anything you have ever seen.......

To be lead here is truly an honor...

Fleet Command

Post 2

SuperBard(his compainion Tsbreh, and both of their minstrels, Xerces, Tyrsis, and Thosan.)

I have arrived, Yo. And my command ship Pandemonium is en route through hyperspace right now. What do you wish of me?

Fleet Command

Post 3

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

I request you presence of command in my fleet, you will be my lead Admiral. Have your command ship go to the specified location and engage. Welcome

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