My Office, Ship, and Minions....

4 Conversations

As you pass through the door (from the lobby) you notice to your left a squad of Storm Troopers. 3 of them get up and accompany you to the hanger which you get to via a long hallway with a curved ceiling and numberous places for defenders to entrench (all made of cement and other indistingushable materials). At the end of the passageway there are a set of double sliding doors made of another indistinguishable substance, they open to reveil a turbolift which takes you to Yo's office. (the office over looks the hanger)

*Yo stands and shakes your hand. He points to one of the ships in the hanger and introduces some personel that are in the office as well*

This is my ship, the


It's a Correlian Corvette with numberous after-production add-ons that I personally have installed. It has a mix of technologies from all over the universe.

Craft: Corellian Engineering Corporation Corvette
Type: Mid-sized multi-purpose vessel
Scale: Capital
Length: 150 meters
Crew: 47
Cargo Capacity: 30,000 metric tons
Cost: Classified
Hyperdrive: Classified
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: Extreme
Atmosphereic Landing Capability: Yes
Hull Armour: Plasma Dissipation Dissruption
Shields: Screen Type: Universal (Like Star Trek)
Sensors: Classified

And here are my Personel:

General Xavier:

he is the best at what he does.

The Lt: An excellent sharp shooter and my intel officer, knows just about everything going on and keeps me constantly informed. This picture is him in one of his latest engagements.

The rank and file, these constitute the bulk of the ground troops

Ship Descriptions
In The Warehouse

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