Nigel's Gardening Hints and Tips

2 Conversations

A country lane in Texas.

A Floral Tribute to Loved Ones

Just over a week ago, my Nan very sadly passed away. It still is a big shock to the family, as she was fine one minute and not the next. It all happened very suddenly, without having the chance to say goodbye.

Now we have the job of sorting out the funeral arrangements, and the tedious amount of paperwork that has to be gone through and sorted. However, it has certainly made me think how we have to make the most of each day as not one of us knows for sure what is around the corner.

When I was in my second year of the apprenticeship scheme, I had to spend a few months in the houseplant floristry department. It was here where I was taught gift wrapping and flower arranging, for customers who wanted that little extra luxury to their purchase. We also had the job of creating flower bouquets for people who had lost their loved ones. Of course, we didn’t just have this type of order, we had birthday and special occasion gift wrapping to undertake.

The funeral orders were always the difficult ones, as we had to find out exactly what the customer wanted and the flowers that the loved one liked. I did get used to the upset, and after completing a short counselling course it was easier to know how to offer help and support to our customers.

I never thought that nine or ten years on, I would be one of those customers asking for flower quotes at different florist shops. Until you lose somebody close, you can never understand exactly what that person is feeling and what to say. Now, after losing several close friends and family in the past few years, I understand a little more what the customers were feeling at that sad time in their lives.

Although the company I worked for specialised in plants and flowers, we only made up bouquets and gift wrapped pot plants. A professional florist can make some lovely floral displays, like the word ‘MOM’ for a funeral or whatever the customer requires. They are pricey and because of the credit crunch many people now cannot afford it, but if members of the family all put some money then it makes it more affordable.

This is similar to what my family have decided to do. We are hoping to have the word ‘MOM’, and also ‘NAN’ on separate floral boards. I know they will not survive very long in this cold weather, but it’s what Nan would have wanted. Many of the flowers come from Holland, and the quality is usually very good. The company that I worked for decided to purchase from that country after suppliers let us down, which meant that we had a wider range of colours and varieties which were brought within three to four days. As they literally flew out of the doors, we continued with this supplier and still do as far as I know.

Useful Cut Flower Tips

On a happier note, if you have been given a bouquet of flowers recently e.g. for a special occasion or even Valentines day, then here are some top tips to keep them looking their best:

  • Do not mix daffodils with other blooms as they emit a poison, which WILL kill off flowers in the same vase.
  • Clean out vases with bleach, not washing up liquid. This is because washing up liquid does not kill off bacteria left by cut flowers. Rinse out well before use.
  • If you have a smelly vase, perhaps it was because you got caught short in the night, then fill it half with water and add a tablespoon of mustard. Shake, then leave the mixture for an hour before rinsing out ready for the next time!
  • Talking of leaks: If your vase has sprung a leak, then seal any cracks with soft candle wax.
  • When you are arranging your flowers, it is best to cut the stems diagonally approximately two inches from the bottom using a sharp knife. It is important to do this underwater otherwise air will get into the stem cells, clogging them up. Be careful of your little fingers though!
  • Most cut flowers come with a sachet of food to mix into the water. It is best to use this, but in warm water. It will not harm the cut flowers, actually, cold water may kill some of them off due to the shock. How would you like to be dropped in freezing cold water! Warm water also enables the flower food to dissolve.
  • Make sure that no foliage is sitting in the water, as this will cause smelly green water within about a day. It is always best to put clean water in every 2-3 days to keep the flowers looking their best.
  • Keep the flowers away from sources of heat such as radiators and gas fires, as this will dry them up and cause wilting. Also, draughts and very cold rooms will reduce their life.
  • If oasis or a foam material is used to display the flowers, then make sure it is wet thoroughly before use. Check it every couple of days once the flowers are displayed, and soak if needed.
  • Lily stamens (the centre parts) will drop pollen, so either display the vase on a cloth or you can cut them out. If the pollen lands on your furniture, or even your clothes, it is very difficult to remove the stains. I once got some on my jumper and it took numerous attempts to remove it, even after about five washes it still showed slightly.

Of course, there are probably lots of other hints and tips but these are the most useful and important ones with regard to the care of your cut flowers. Have a look at How to Look after Cut Flowers . This is an interesting entry, advising what to do after receiving them as a present.

When a loved one is in hospital, many people like to take a bunch of flowers to cheer their sick friend or relative up. However, many hospitals do not like or allow flowers now as they can spread a bacteria infection called

as well as various other problems e.g. allergies, spilled water damaging equipment, and smelly water. The pseudomonas virus develops when rotting vegetation is active in the water of the cut flowers. As hospitals are very warm places, this can happen within days of taking the flowers. This article on

the health risk posed by flowers comes from Scotland, but the same rule applies in all UK hospitals now. So, perhaps a nice bunch of grapes or fresh fruit will be a better option.

I will leave you with an interesting video clip. If you are feeling really adventurous, then why not give it a go!
Flower Arrangement

Have fun!

Nigel's Gardening Hints and Tips


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