A Conversation for The Stretcher

Dropping Out

Post 1


Sorry all, but I'm going to have to hand in my resignation from the Stretcher.

I'm not really enjoying h2g2 at present, and while I thought the Stretcher might help with that, it hasn't really.

So, with heavy heart I have to drop out of the running.

Thanks all smiley - smiley


Dropping Out

Post 2

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

smiley - sadface I have enjoyed reading your entries.

Dropping Out

Post 3

Skankyrich [?]

Heavy hearts all round, I think smiley - sadface

Dropping Out

Post 4

Danny B

That's a real shame, Matt - sorry to see you go smiley - blue

Dropping Out

Post 5


Thanks guys, but I wouldn't be doing myself, or the comp, justice if I kept on putting stuff in I felt was just not 'me'. I need a breather, cool my heels and blow away the cobwebs.

I'll drop by, and take up a few of the challenges that take my fancy I promise.

Good luck to the rest of the competitors, I'm looking forward to reading more inspiring stuff smiley - ok

Dropping Out

Post 6


Not another one leaving smiley - sadface

Dropping Out

Post 7

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - sadface

Dropping Out

Post 8

Merry Anne

Sorry about that, Matt. I'm sure you'd have done well had you stayed.

Hope I haven't started a trend. smiley - tongueincheek

Dropping Out

Post 9


Aw that's a shame, we'll miss you.

Dropping Out

Post 10

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Sorry to hear this, Matt. Hope the breather helps with the cobwebs.

(Spring is around the corner. I keep telling myself this.)

Dropping Out

Post 11

LL Waz

smiley - sadface What dmitri said. And smiley - sadface for Merry Ann and Frenchbean being out too.

Dropping Out

Post 12


I may have just snuck back in again smiley - bigeyes

Sorry to see you go, Matt. Good luck.

Dropping Out

Post 13

Secretly Not Here Any More

Can you blame Merry Anne? There was some real brutality directed at that last entry, and very little of it deserved.

Dropping Out

Post 14

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Link, Psycorp?

Dropping Out

Post 15

Secretly Not Here Any More

The PR thread for the filther entry. I won't name names, but there are two people who I thought should know better.

Dropping Out

Post 16

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

By "filther thread" do you mean F48874?thread=6264417
becayse that's a humongous thread it will take me some time to read smiley - erm can you just confirm first, please?

Dropping Out

Post 17

Secretly Not Here Any More

No. I mean the PR thread attached to MA's last submission about the h2g2 profanity filter (or "filther") in colloquial terms in these here parts.

Dropping Out

Post 18

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - ermthat's been deleted and Merry Anne has unsubbed, so it was almost impossible to find. However, I know a few other placessmiley - puff and here is the link: F12427555?thread=6263813 for anyone else interested.

Dropping Out

Post 19


Yes I had a quick look at it (from a roundabout route).

I think the entry suffered from something that all of us choosing a topic for the last challenge had to tackle: do we write an essay about a controversial topic? Or do we concentrate on producing something that is recognisably Guide-acceptable? And risk being accused of not stretching enough smiley - yikes

IMHO, the Guide is evolving, and there's no hard and fast rules about what should and shouldn't be in it. But it would be a shame to see it not push some boundaries of its own.

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