A Conversation for The Stretcher

love handles

Post 1


Great fun! Trout you have to go with 'excrutiating'!
Take care

love handles

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Ooh, a smiley - lurk delurks!smiley - wow

Please write us a poem yourself, Boots?smiley - grovel

smiley - kiss

love handles

Post 3


No no no, I demand a Platini-esque poem!

love handles

Post 4


If I had a clue what plantini-esque meant, suspect I would have done too. It doesn't behove well for a dog to show his ignorance!
Take care

love handles

Post 5

Trout Montague

Of or pertaining to "Platini"?

Hands up who would change their name to Psycorp? "Unwashed, online, inflammatory". My perfect valentine is all of those.

My Excruciating Valentine: You Are
(Il)legal Genetic
Raging Stiff
Hardly Gushing
Massive Major Rising
Unwashed, online, inflammatory
Purulent ...
... Excruciating

love handles

Post 6


Very Pogue esque!

love handles

Post 7

Secretly Not Here Any More

I'm nicking that one.

love handles

Post 8

Danny B

As an ex-geneticist, I'm rather jealous of Beatrice's 'Chromosomal Valentine' smiley - scientist

love handles

Post 9


I'm torn between attempting something that looks like a double helix, or going for a groan-worthy "getting into your genes" pun....smiley - run

love handles

Post 10

Danny B

Both, surely..? smiley - winkeye

love handles

Post 11

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

In the event, Beatrice, you did something marvellous!


TRiG.smiley - wow

love handles

Post 12


Thank you kind sir! If you know Guide ML at all you'll understand the furious paddling beneath the surface that's going on to make it look like that, but I wonder if I sacrificed content for appearance.

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