A Conversation for The Loyal Zoological Society

Cow accents

Post 1

fiery opaleye - the happiest little Vegemite as bright, as bright can be

I heard about this story today at uni when we were discussing animal behaviour and how birds learn songs. smiley - laugh


Cow accents

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveler in Time smiley - tit talking to the birds
"So, what is new ?

Could mimic several whistles in my place of birth, now I am 50 km off I still do not get their songs. "

Cow accents

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

The Chaffinch has a two part song; the first part of the song is genetically programmed, with an upward swoop. The second part is learned from the parents, and varies from region to region. When I was a child in Churchtown, South Dublin, the second part was two identical short high-pitched notes "poooop - peep peep". But in Balally, which is all of 3km away from Churchtown, the birds don't do the "peep peep". They obviously never learned it from their parents. Perhaps they are delinquent birds who hung around on street corners instead of attending to their parents.

Cow accents

Post 4


I loved that cow story. I saw it listed as one of CNN's top stories, and said to myself "oh, that HAS to be in England". Yup.

Stesmiley - mod

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