A Conversation for Planet X

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 1

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Called "The Tower of the Gaurd" by the Mangols, and "Citadel of the Moon" by the Rodentars, City X is the hub of activity on the planet. So much goes on here, I can't even list it all. Or maybe it's the fact that it's 2am here and my mind stopped functioning hours ago?

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 2

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Now I remember. This town is a lot larger than it looks from the surface. Most of it extends underground. The above ground portion mostly consists of a docking facility for the Alliance and STUMPED fleets that are constantly in and out of the Citadel.

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 3

The Krylma Leader

*A dark shadow sweeps across the landscape as The Draco, flagship of the notorious Krylma Leader, flies from the mainland H2G2 to Planet X. The Draco docks, jumps out, and begins looking around the planet, taking pictures*

Perhaps I should stop by the souvenir stand first. Or maybe I should do that right before going back home...

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 4

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Greetings, noble leader, to Cirith Masque, cheif citadel of Planet X. I suppose you'd like a tour? I'm sure that the others can follow us even if we start without them. This city houses the commercial and residential needs of this planet. A space port, a bar, a retail store, and several other structures have already been built here, mostly under the surface. All colonies on this planet, save the Revelation, are larger underground than above, to avoid exposure to areal bombardment.

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 5

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

That should probably read "Ariel", or "Arial" bombardment. I'm really not sure how to spell it. I don't think it's "Areal".

I've learned so much in my centuries of existence that spelling seems quite inconsequencial.


Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 6

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

~Looks around~

Where's KL? He must have gotten distracted by some big distracting thing.

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 7

The Krylma Leader

Here I am. I would also request that this Planet be the safehouse for something very dear to me.

*KL pulls a bio-safety box out of his cloak, and shows it to Red*

This is the last surviving rat-ant egg from when Amy the Ant and Styx the Rat destroyed the tunnels. Admittedly, I've never exactly been friends with Amy and Styx, but they...they...excuse me.

*KL turns and goes back into the Draco. A few minutes later, he comes out with a box of tissues. It's obviously he's been crying a bit*

Anyway, when they kidnapped the queen and murdered the other rat-ants in a futile attempt at genocide, most of the eggs were killed as well. However, one of my Gecko Warriors salvaged this egg, and according to the bio-scanner, it's a queen egg. I can hatch some new pets. And they won't even have the most basic reasons to kill these as long as I keep them away from h2g2 (Planet X is about as far as I can get), and don't attempt to use them in any evil plans.

Meanwhile, let's have the tour. I can't wait to see the rest of this complex.

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 8

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

You can most certainly use this planet as a safehouse for your friends, KL. In fact, feel free to begin construction of your own facilities. For now, let us continue our tour on to the prison facility. Until we get more citizens here, this city is a bit dull, I'm afraid... http://www.h2g2.com/F56839?thread=84963&skip=0&show=20

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 9

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*NYC zips in the docking facility in his one-seater 'Spaceman Spiff' ship, and parks smack-dab in the center of the lot*

where's the nearest bar?

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 10

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea flies into the space center in the Azrael- 4 or 5, depending on how many evillene and kudos have... defiled- and parks in a space where her ship won't get any scratches or door dings. she pockets she keys and slips a nearby guard a twenty*

[sea] keep a close eye on my ship. if it gets scratched... i'll come looking for you.

*the guard looks appropriately terrified. sea smiles at him and goes off to have a look around the city*

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 11

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

~The Masque who, because it's H2G2, reserves the right to be both at the city and giving KL the tour, approaches NYC and SEA (wow, a couple of TLAs!). Greetings, friends. NYC, I believe there's an establishemnt around the corner that serves all kind of drinks. It's called the Cirith Masque Cantina. There's a band in there that plays nothing but John William's covers... it can get annoying, but at least it's themed appropriately.~

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 12

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea wonders what a TLA is, but decides not to ask so not to look stupid smiley - smiley *

[sea] so, masque, what's the deal with this place? is it all industry, or do people actually live here? where are all the cute spaceguys? and who is your architect? he's a genius!

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 13

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

are you insinuating, sea, that I'm not cute enough?

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 14

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] err.... um.... i meant... uh, where are all the cute spaceguys OTHER than NYC?

*sea grins sheepishly*

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 15

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

NYC, I don't think any of us think of you as a "spaceguy". You're more of a student, you know, from New York City...

The "deal" is that this entire planet is under my domain. I'm giving space to STUMPED operations, as well as those of the Mangol/Rodentar Alliance, and some of my own pet projects. This city is pretty much the commercial and residential area, but there's not much here at the m moment. If either of you want to open a weapons shop, or a bar, or a laboratory, or anything of the sort, feel free.

As far as cute spaceguys other than NYC, most of the inhabitants of the planet are, at the moment, my minions: Black Jumpsuit Wearing Extras, Mangols, and Rodentars. KL is bringing the Rat Ants here to live, as well. I think he wants to do an Ender's Game type thing. It'll be nice to have our own planet, though. Don't you think?

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 16

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

I'd be very happy to start a weapons shop, but I'd be tempted to steal my own wares, so...

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 17

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea looks slightly disappointed*

[sea]oh well. i'll just have to hire a lot of cute servants to work in my castle. but it will be nice to have our own planet. a good idea, masque. hmm. perhaps i will open a store... but what to open?

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 18

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

I would, at this moment, like to note that I have no qualms stealing from YOUR weapons shop. After all, my coat is a warehouse all its own...

*NYC shows the inner lining of his coat to sea. She marvels at the wide range of knives, bludgeons, firearms, artillery pieces, and a very sour-looking grizzly bear*

[sea] just what do you feed that bear?

[NYC] fish, quite obviously. smiley - smiley

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 19

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] all my employees would be instructed to shoot you on sight, NYC. smiley - winkeye besides, i don't know enough about weapons to sell them.

Cirith Masque: The Tower of the Masque

Post 20

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

since when did that ever stop me? I have enough metal lodged in my chest to build a small car. smiley - winkeye

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