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Monty Python Pun

Post 1


Several years ago, a friend of mine worked at the Naval Submarine base at Groton, CT. One year, as a gag, he made a gift for a friend of a "Spam" book.

You see, it was one of those blank books, like a journal, but he had filled it with the word spam, over and over again. You know, just like in the sketch. Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam.

All it needed were the vikings.

Well, needless to say, he loved it. So did his friends at the Navy base, and it turned out there was a market for something like that. So, he made a deal with the Base commander, that he could use the base's printing press to make copies of these books after hours, as long as he paid for the ink and paper. So, he and his friends at the Base's Monty Python society went into business selling these books. You could order them off the web for $5 bucks apiece.

But, what my friend didn't know was that one of the guys that went in on the deal, was actually leaking sensitive information through the books. He was hiding the messages in the books themselves, tucked right in among the Spams. Now, technically, all papers that go off the base have to be inspected, and the guards tried this with the books, but they'd get through a quarter or so of one of the books, and the spams would start to work on them, making them drowsy. And, suddenly, bang, they'd be out like a light. After the first couple of times, they stopped bothering with them.

It was a perfect plan, and the guy could have kept on doing it indefinitely, if the pressure hadn't gotten to him and he confessed to the authorities.

You see, nobody inspects the Spammish repetition.

(I can't take credit for this. It's actually one of the winners of the annual save the pun competition. Well, an interpretation. I did read it a few years ago.)

Monty Python Pun

Post 2

Wayfarer -MadForumArtist, Keeper of bad puns, Greeblet with Goo beret, Tangential One

oy! smiley - bigeyes

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