Talking Point: Was 2008 any Good?

9 Conversations

New Year fireworks.

Ring out the old, bring in the new. But...not just yet, eh? Another New Year is on the cards, and it's time to reflect upon the twelve months that have just passed.

It's been quite a year, with Presidential Elections in both Russia and the US. After initial fears that its launch might bring about the end of the world, Large Hadron Collier broke down in September.

Still, as the world marked 90 Years of Remembrance of the Great War, hostilities continued around the world. Fighting continued in Iraq and Afghanistan and August saw conflict between Russia and Georgia over the disputed regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. As the year drew to a close, Israel launched major air strikes on Hamas in response to increased rocket fire.

On a more hopeful note, an example of what can be achieved when nations gather together in peaceful circumstances occurred as the XXIX Olympiad took place in Beijing in August.

Financially, the year was eventful - the collapse of large financial institutions in the US had a global impact with banks collapsing in Europe and a reduction in the market value of stocks and commodities around the world. High food and oil prices, rising unemployment and global inflation meant that as the year drew to a close we were mired in what's been described as the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

This week, we want to know:

  • What's your overwhelming personal memory of 2008?

  • Will it stick in your mind as, on the whole, a good year?

  • Or, conversely, will you be glad to see the back of 2008?

  • What, in your opinion, were the most significant news events?

  • What were the greatest cultural high points?

  • Who of the people we lost in 2008 will be most sadly missed by you?

  • What's the biggest lesson you've learned from this year? What do you think 2008 should have taught us all?

  • What artefacts would you assembled if you were to create Blue Peter-type time capsule in order to let future generations know how we lived in 2008?

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