A Conversation for Talking Point: Was 2008 any Good?

Was 2008 any Good?

Post 1


What's your overwhelming personal memory of 2008?
Trying to recover from losses...

Will it stick in your mind as, on the whole, a good year?

Or, conversely, will you be glad to see the back of 2008?
Never glad to see the back... as that means time wasted.

What, in your opinion, were the most significant news events?
How much of tax-payers money is going to be thrown away on bailing out banks, and car factories, whilst many tax-payers are not surviving at all comfortably for example: UK victims of flooding in 2007, are still enduring cramped / over-crowded conditions in falling-apart caravans plonked on concrete.

What were the greatest cultural high points?
China trying to oust Tibetan spiritual leaders whilst pretending, during the Olympics, that wasn't happening...

Who of the people we lost in 2008 will be most sadly missed by you?
Arthur C. Clarke (author).

What's the biggest lesson you've learned from this year? What do you think 2008 should have taught us all?
I've learnt to stay calm, be more detached from people who are hurtful, eat more healthily, and concentrate more om my work.
2008 should have taught us not to wait any longer for politicians to come up with the answers.

What artefacts would you assemble if you were to create Blue Peter-type time capsule in order to let future generations know how we lived in 2008?
A scrapbook of newspaper and magazine cuttings - after all the adverts and stories about celebrities removed, that wouldn't leave a lot to clearly tell-it-like-it-is to help the people...

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Was 2008 any Good?

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