A Conversation for Talking Point: Was 2008 any Good?

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What's your overwhelming personal memory of 2008?
*Going to see my Mother. It was very depressing and eye opening… I will not be going to visit her again for a very long tim.

Will it stick in your mind as, on the whole, a good year?

Or, conversely, will you be glad to see the back of 2008?
*yes. My husband took a 25% pay cut and lost his position and now has his hours cut. I am taking a pay cut and hour reduction, my family is loosing their job with GM, houses are being forclosed upon all over our neighborhood. And our president has done nothing but help us get into this mess.

What, in your opinion, were the most significant news events?
*the bank colaps, GM failing housing market crash and the global ripple. The USA voted in a black president, Huge indication that the mindset of our country has changed.

What were the greatest cultural high points?
*at this exact point in time I just cannot think of any.

Who of the people we lost in 2008 will be most sadly missed by you?

What's the biggest lesson you've learned from this year? What do you think 2008 should have taught us all?
*The importance of being responsible for your own actions and not just following the herd. Not spending more than you make.

What artefacts would you assembled if you were to create Blue Peter-type time capsule in order to let future generations know how we lived in 2008?
*photos of our state and the great lakes. I’m sure there is more but I don’t think PPL really realize how our shore line is growing and the lakes are shrinking. I don’t see the water rising and future generations need to know what it was/is like. and the impact we do have on our planet.

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