A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community

I should have checked

Post 1


I apologise for the incorrect spelling of 'there' in my ECDL conversation it should have read 'doing their ECDL'.Be kind I am recovering from glandular fever.

I should have checked

Post 2


smiley - illsmiley - rosesmiley - cheerupsmiley - smiley

I should have checked

Post 3


Thank you for your reply and the rose I am new so haven't learnt that much about smileys yet.I am still trying to work out how to customise my space...

I should have checked

Post 4


Welcome wildamethyst to the wonderful and somewhat confusing world of h2g
smiley - smiley
should make you feel less lost
and there is a smiley index just below the reply boxsmiley - ok
Have fun and see you around in cyberspace
smiley - smiley

I should have checked

Post 5


and the complete tour starts here.
sorry gotta smiley - run

I should have checked

Post 6


smiley - doh

I should have checked

Post 7


Just what I needed some help and direction,sadly often missing in my life,or do I mean reason and direction I think both!Thanks anyway see you again

I should have checked

Post 8


you are more than welcome.most people here are helpful.if byou need anything look for aces and gurus.and note the search h2g2 box usually very goodsmiley - biggrin
hope you are feeling better soonsmiley - smiley
pdsmiley - ante'

I should have checked

Post 9

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Hi wild amethyst, I've left you a message on your space (look for the one titled Hi there). There's a link in the message to a page I created with links to help people get started.

I should have checked

Post 10


Strangely enough I do feel a bit better but thats only because I fell asleep for an hour bliss! it won't last long now I hope I've had it for a month..By the way people do seem friendly and I hope you don't mind but I visited your space but I am a bit shy...

I should have checked

Post 11


Thanks again Granny I have been searching round h2g2 and am still a bit nervous about customising my own space everyone elses looks really professional.I hope it is okay but I visited your space it feels like I am being nosey but honestly I am just curious..

I should have checked

Post 12

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Welcome to h2g2, wildamethyst. Very cool name btw. Sorry to hear you have glandular fever. Make sure you rest up well, and avoid as much stress as possible smiley - cheerup. Recovery is better if you take things easy.

What's ECDL?

smiley - cheers

I should have checked

Post 13


Hi Kea I was just about to sign off when i saw your reply.ECDL stands for European Computer Driving Licence or a computer course for beginners like me.Glad you liked my name I did too!I hope to chat to you again but for now I must go its time for bed.

I should have checked

Post 14

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Don't worry about looking at other people's spaces wild amethyst, we all do it, it's a way of getting to know people smiley - smiley

I should have checked

Post 15

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Aye, lurking on people's personal spaces can be a High Art smiley - biggrin

wildamethyst, it's also good to be aware that people read everywhere here - there is no such thing as private space (although some conversations are more private than others and need to be respected as such - people still lurk on them though).

I should have checked

Post 16


Thanks Kea it is all still new to me I will check out your space later but for the moment I have to go as I need to have my breakfast! woke up late this morning am still feeling poorly.See you soon

I should have checked

Post 17


Thanking you Granny for your help will probably need more help soon..

I should have checked

Post 18

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

smiley - ok

*rushes off to make sure PS is tidy*

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