A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1641

AK - fancy that!

I'd welcome change. My life isn't exactly perfect.
if you can figure out the whole universe maybe you *could* simplify it down to 42. Or not.smiley - erm

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1642


Well said!

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1643


So what do you want to talk about now?smiley - biggrin

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1644


What was said?

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1645

AK - fancy that!

was it the or not or the could?
anyway I don't knwo what I would want to talk abotu now...
funny once you actually start trying to debate instead of jsut arguing it gets harder. bah!formalities.

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1646


Why don't one of you two bring up an as-yet unsaid point of your belief system and we'll argue it?
Ah, reminds me of the aphorism about the fool who leads and the fool who follows. We could discuss famous aphorisms if you can't think of anything.

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1647

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> bah!formalities. <<

Indeed. Well so much for Order.
smiley - cheers
Can we now safely assume you are generally on the side of Chaos? Or is it just occassionally that regulation and formalities and order get to be a bit much.

Well cheer up.
In the eternal battle between Order and Chaos (as currently witnessed all round us in the Globalism versus Terrorism war) it is strange to observe an apparent contradiction. Note how often both sides shines when they are doing the 'other' thing.

For example, the agents of Chaos (the Terrorists) are most 'successful' (in their cause as they see it) when "well laid plans are executed well". In other words, when working to an orderly plan Chaos can cause its worst disruptions.

And conversely, the forces of Order (representing the Rule of Law, corporate and military structure) are at their best when they are dazed and confused. It is when they let go, release their white-knuckled grip over the things and people they would control, that they create a little vitality and variety.

Such is the irony of life. Chaos needs order to achieve itself and Order needs a little chaos to relax.

smiley - peacedove

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1648


Terrorists ARE NOT the agents of Chaos!
Don't be taken in by the order-loving speeches. Worse is better.

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1649

AK - fancy that!

3 smiley - cheers for neutrality!

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1650

AK - fancy that!

terrorists more fit in with evil.
I'm more chaotic than lawful and I'm not a terrorist?!?

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1651


As for the irony - it's all explained in the Principia Discordia. The hodge and the podge, yin and yang. Taoism and dualism are everpresent.

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1652


chaos is not getting on for three days and having to read through as many pages of backlog.

The order only causes more chaos.

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1653


God, I hope you're not comparing terrorism to the nature of the universe. I hope you're not American,(or a terroristsmiley - smiley), because I'm about to ask, which side is the terrorist? I'm not talking about bashing anyone's head in to get them to behave the way I want. I'm talking about educating the human race, advancing their intellect to the point that they make healthy wise decisions on their own, because they are healthy and happy and in agreement with the rest of the world, (because the only way is through evolution) unlike the current situation. It is a delicate balance, this universe, not just chaos, but perfect chaos, developed after billions of years of interaction and reaction. The human mind is the only thing I know of that has the ability to observe and make any sense out of it. It can only be done with great intellect, and great patience, and great wisdom, and a pure and unadultered mind.
Fnord; this is 'well said'
"I know that's the point. Only the phrasing has changed, to reflect our individual states of mind."
One more thing, Fnord, AK and others.
I was thinking about putting an edited, simpler, perhaps a little friendlier version of this conversation on my website. Kinda some live debate for people to follow the evolution of the interaction. 1, Do you think people would find it interesting? and 2, Does anyone mind?

Action, reaction, and knee-jerk extremist radicals...

Post 1654


1. If people didn't find it interesting, they wouldn't read it. Simple.
2. The only objections I can find are that I've been in emotional turmoil recently, and have therefore been unable to come up with decent arguments. But if you do decide to post it, I'll promise to try and help any random visitors by coming up with some supremely rational and sarcastic statements to save them from false hopes.

I'm not American, but as of 9/11 the political statement they circulated defined me as a terrorist. Thus, the UK which is harbouring me is in danger from my very existence. I am also a mental terrorist, in that I disagree with nearly everything they've ever said as a country. All sides are terrorist. Many people think that terrorism works like conventional physics: A effects B which effects C which... where "effects" is subsituted with "terrorises". Actually, it's more like quantum holistics. A effects B and C and... while B effects A and C and... and C effects A and B and...
Sorry. Angry political rant over.
The human mind has failed to make any sense out of it at all. Each day I read in the newspaper about the divorced father who killed all of his children to spite his ex-wife, or the religious fanatic who destroyed a building and some lives with explosives, or the racist gangs who killed another lonely minority teenager. Sense? Where's the sense? Each day I read about massively powerful countries destroy smaller ones on intolerably hypocritical issues. You yourself pay taxes to the very government that killed Dr. Kelly. Where's the sense? All I see is the weak being killed by the strong, and the excuse being used is that of natural precedence. Pay heed: nature is a mad god.

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1655

AK - fancy that!

1. I agree if they don't want to read it they won't
2. I don't mind and I unlike Frord don't have a long rant about itsmiley - erm

Action, reaction, and knee-jerk extremist radicals...

Post 1656

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Fnord's earlier response that "Terrorists ARE NOT agents of Chaos" left me with little to say. smiley - bigeyes How can one argue with someone expressing such an emphatic belief, in spite of the obvious panic, terror, disorder, grief and general mess and muss that follows every succesful act of terrorism.

But now that he has advised us of his recent emotional/rational rough patch, perhaps he won't mind if I quote his most recent description of Terrorism:

"...it's more like quantum holistics. A effects B and C and... while B effects A and C and... and C effects A and B and..."

Now if that's not Chaos I'm way out of Order.
smiley - winkeye

Action, reaction, and knee-jerk extremist radicals...

Post 1657

AK - fancy that!

no I don't think it is chaos. its just 3 streams of something and thanks to time they can interact and change each other.
I smiley - love time! sometimes at least when I have enough...smiley - erm

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1658

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> ..an edited, simpler, perhaps a little friendlier version of this conversation on my website. <<

smiley - ok
I have to say SS, I have been admiring your persistance in this conversation. Fnord seemed bent on arguing every point and now we know from his own admission that he is deliberately being obtuse and argumentative for its own sake. Proper thing! Much better now that we know he just likes a good scrap and couldn't possibly believe all he's put forward. smiley - winkeye

As for your website, SS, it seems a little 'vague' about what this Truth thing is. Some might say it sounds a bit too evangelical in a non-specific airy-fairy way. It might do to make it a little friendlier all round. Like the carrot and the stick, the happy face wins more arguments than the sad face.

Someone once said there are two ways to seduce a woman. One is to laugh her into bed and the other is to cry her into bed. This same choice of approaches works with all sales pitches, including subscriptions to websites seeking 'The Truth'. Or as you present it, 'The Sad Truth'.

I suggest you try the lighter, happier approach. Your present method will attract only the sad and disallusioned looking for mutual despair. Mark me well everyone that I would not include any of the recent posters here in such a group, but certainly expect that we all are seekers of 'the truth' and might be interested in pursuing it in a website seeking happier Truths than currently on offer.

smiley - biggrin

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1659

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> ..admiring your persistance in this conversation..<

I forgot to add the motto:

"Persistence is fertile!"


what is the meaning of life?

Post 1660


I happen to be american and as such, a terrorist. Really, what is the difference between killing people when you havn't "declared war" and when you have. America's values teach me that it is ok to go shoot the hell out of my school as long as I say that I am at war with the place.

We americans are as much agents of chaos as any terrorist organization. Attempting to remove all government from a country and make it our own is one of the best way to cause disorder.

god bless america

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