A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community
Cannabis, and related topics
Dr. Gonzo Started conversation Jan 5, 2006
It's getting close to the point where this is not such a taboo subject any more, people are openly discussing the use of drugs and "what's to be done of this evil".
(It would be very cool for someone to speak with me on this, so any fellow user out there, don't be shy, I was, but now I'm not, so here's the article).
I am sick...TO DEATH!...of this mass debate, and I'm putting my views in full show right now so that everyone who speaks to me or knows of me on this board knows what my exact thoughts are on the use of cannabis and other such substances.
To start with, here are a few things you need to know about me before certain points of my argument become valid. I DO NOT drink alcohol, I can't stand it, the backlash we've had from extended licensing and opening hours in pubs, the drunkards spewing into the streets at the weekend, drunk as skunks and making total fools of themselves by puking their guts out (in the key of C minor) in the middle of public streets, the amount of aggressive and mindless (and stereotypically, as they're referred to as) CHAVS! looking for fights and "showing off their feathers" to impress someone (usually a tart wearing only a belt and a pair of knee high boots, in this cold weather?!) etc...Etc...I hate the effect that alcohol has on people, it is responsible for many wrongs in our society and I think it's time that a balance is address. Because of the amount of alcohol people are drinking and how cheap it is now it's so readily available, our COUNTRY is gaining a bad image. That image is this...
BRITAIN CANNOT HANDLE ITS DRINK! Britain is an alcoholic that doesn't know when to say "when". In a few years’ time Europe will point and laugh while the country is doubled up in a gutter, spewing out all its crap, CO2 emissions, nuclear waste and Soldiers over to the Middle East (WAR, is a different subject, perhaps we can discuss later).
Alcohol is a killer, it kills people and causes them to die, this process is known as death, in which a person ceases to be, or dies. If alcohol were a person, it would be one of the most notorious serial killers known, but because it's government approved...IT'S OK! So drink up yuppies, drink 'til you puke as far as their concerned, so long as the tax money keeps flooding in, what do they care?
We clear so far?.....
Here it comes..."cannabis"......Ooooo.... Judder through the room....
First of all, it's a plant, NOT a drug. And hey, look at this, no related deaths...No history of overdosing...been around since 500 B.C. Used to make clothes, paper, used as a constructive material and is vital for trade in other countries, even Queen Victoria used to drink cannabis tincture back in the day. It's usually associated with "stoners", "hippies". Wasn't the 60's great? Everyone just being groovy, having a good time and spreading the word of peace and love throughout mankind...then the powers that be told them to "Shut up", put prices on everything and made everything illegal and started doing the thinking for us...again, we fell into a deeper circle of HELL!!!!!!
And now we're being told that cannabis is responsible for psychosis and schizophrenic behaviour, AFTER it's been declassified...It's been around longer than any of us have been born, it was here before us! How come it's only made mainstream news now? AFTER its declassification.
And after all this talk of the "evils" of drugs and drug users.
Queue (Bill Hicks quote) advert:
"This Bud's for yoooouuu! Come on everybody, let's all be hypocritical b**tards...It's ok for you to drink your drug...We just meant those other drugs".
Correct me if I’m wrong but alcohol is a drug that's causing more problems than cannabis every will. I never do to a pub or nightclub BECAUSE it sells alcohol and it's full of drunken people trying to score or in the process of scoring (if they're lucky enough).
I smoke cannabis, everyday, morning and night. I have a respectable job, I am capable of doing this job to a satisfactory level and excel in most areas of it, I'm never late, never take random days off when I feel like it. I also maintain a home English Course and I'm working towards a degree in English and I'm also in a local music group, cannabis inspires and relaxes me, and I only ever do this at home so I'm never lurking on the streets or in the clubs, I keep it at home...and I don't drink. So, sensible users know their limitations and know exactly what they are doing, sensible users should be entitled to it, it should be legal for people like me because we don't abuse it, we use it to relax, or inspire us, in music, writing, anything...plus it's safer than alcohol.
My question is:
WHY CAN YOU DRUNK, LOUD MOUTHED, OBSCENE, YOBBISH LOAFS OF AN EXCUSE FOR SOCIETY HAVE YOURS BUT I CAN'T HAVE MINE!?!?!?...No offence, but that's the stereotypical views that Britain has now...thanks to you...No offence.
Cannabis, and related topics
Thorn Posted Jan 6, 2006
Well, first off, I'm an American, and they don't let you "legally" drink until you are 21... or so. 2nd... Why are you saying it's "not a drug" if it could have pharmaceudical value... the 'hypothetical' supposed "moral-ethical" debate on that has been going on in California for ages...
I'm not saying I'm for or against it.
Yet, w/ your argument-position thingy, btw. I'm curious how it'll turn out... sounds , interesting.
Cannabis, and related topics
Thorn Posted Jan 6, 2006
I think, maybe if it is anything like the Tabacco and alcohol "rules"... maybe it is because there is no "pot permit" or "hash-tax" <- if there was... suppose the governments might be more open-toward allowing the other "controlled substances?"
*boggles the mind... the world of shady disconnect between politics Internet & RL...* <- I think, anyway.
Cannabis, and related topics
Mr Jack Posted Jan 7, 2006
I like your arguement. "I should be permitted my dubious indulgences because *I* can handle it, it's those other plebs that are the real problem."
There are lots of different forms of the drug out there, forms with different levels of various chemicals, some of them pretty harmful, smoking a joint and smoking a ciggarette are both gonna increase the chances of cancer, cannabis inducde psychosis is very real and frankly if after centuries people in Britain are no less prone to abusing alcohol what the hell makes you think weed wouldn't be abused too I don't know.
Maybe, you think Britain being seen as monged-out aswell alcoholic is the price we should pay for the freedom to do what the hell we like to our bodies and brain-chemistry. Or maybe you think prohibition should be brought in, but it should meritocratically hyprocritical, in that it's only prohibited if you don't pass a test of your 'responsibility, intelligence and good-charector', eh?
Cannabis, and related topics
Thorn Posted Jan 7, 2006
I like your points MR. A,
Hey long time no see.
Tobacco doesn't make folks hallucinate though...
Alcohol is a depressant.
Is tobacco a stimulant?
Cannabis, and related topics
Mr Jack Posted Jan 7, 2006
Hi there, Thorn. Long-time-no-see indeed.
Nicotine is indeed a stimulant.
Hullucinagenic effects are rare with cannabis but do happen with 'skunk' occasionally.
This link may be helpful background...
Cannabis, and related topics
Thorn Posted Jan 7, 2006
Oh. I did read an interesting article in Scientific American exploring the functions of supposed "phyto-neurotransmitters"... they actually found out that @ the molecular level, pot sends reverse signals at the receptor site (i.e. from finish to start instead of the other way around)... or something like that. Interesting article a few back. Wish I could remember which one... I think it was around the same time as the "Are viruses alive?" one. Maybe they were the same issue?
*Gets confused*
Cannabis, and related topics
Thorn Posted Jan 7, 2006
Anything that effects physical perception shouldn't be used when a person has to operate heavy-machinery... woe to the other people, and any other 'stationary' objects nearby, let alone the driver.
That was so funny I forgot to (because it wasn't).
Cannabis, and related topics
Shylo ((Are you crazy?)) Posted Feb 20, 2006
Hello there... To find out about Cannabis why not try http://www.cannabis.com/store/
And for the record, I don't agree with using it, but thats just my point of view..
Cannabis, and related topics
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Feb 20, 2006
The view by governments seems to be so contradicotry these days on these things, Personally I can't see any problem with using cannabis/taking cannabis But I'd hasten to add there are many Brits who are more than capible of going out drinking and not getting involved in any of those things you mention.... as with drinking, within any group they'l be some that go to extremes, some who take it too far, the same is true of alcohol, tabacco, cannabis, cocaine, Heroin and so on and so forth, I know plenty of people who use the 'harder' drugs mentioned there on a fairly regularly basis, and still function fine in society, often having very good jobs (darn site better than my bluddy job), and hold the job down fine, function without impinging as a reuslt of their drug use on to anyone else (less you want to get in to the hole arguement about how purchasing drugs from drug dealers impinges on lives of people in ohter countrys; that is a result of the drugs illegal stasis). So its a very variable thing in the same way those drugs we allow to be legal; tobacco and alcohol are... The majority of the drug 'problem' in this country now, in terms of crime etc., is as far as I can make out as a reult of the changes oo many years ago, in how Heroin takers were viewed, and when it stopped regularly being supplied on NHS to 'treat' addicts....
Cannabis, and related topics
jezza_lake Posted Mar 26, 2006
I have to say I have not read all of theses post due to lack of time, but I agree fully on the Alcohol issue. It is so destructive and wasteful. I think any country would be better of with smoke houses rather than Bars and Pubs. Don't get me wrong. I will have a few drinks, but I never get drunk. I have seen many friends lives go down the drain with there vomit from alcohol...when we were teens and we all smoke the "Marijuana" our parents freaked out and talked about the "Gate way" drug...well none of my friends died from stoned driving(half the time we didn't even go anywhere due to lazyness).
All I know is that in American marijuana will not be legalized. The government will not allow that for Oil reasons(so I hear)
I am a mother of two young ones so I refrain most of the time from indulging..but my husband who works hard and supports his family very well smokes every day after work..to relax and chill..
i think we should take it from nature...not the chemist.
I could go on forever but sadly can't. Thanks for the topic
Cannabis, and related topics
Boobybro Posted Apr 19, 2006
I drink on a regular basis but am never violent or abusie to anyone. espsialy my children. Where canibis is concerned I am for the legalision (I attended the first meeting of the legalise canabis canpain)and feel thet the govenment are very slow to legalise as the tax revenue would be more then fags.
Canabis was a major crop in England (hemp rope for ships[do you think they threw away the leaves?]) up until the singles convention in a year I can not remember (about 1962) when an Arab delegate stood up and said that canabis was like heroin and therefore should be banned. We need something other than alcahol but will we ever be free to take what we like?
The other thoght is that canabis is only avaliable from drug dealers who will tempt people with, this speed is good, or this heroin is good so have some for free. You are then hooked. Lets get rid of the drug dealers as they are giving a good relaxent a bed name.
We then go on to the good that canabis does, cure for glucoma, asthma and many other diseases including mental illnesses.
In conclusion, some people are affraid to experiment with drugs so drink alcahol, not all people react to alcahol and become abusive or violent, canabis is a very good way to relax and can cure many ailments. Both should be legal thus earning the govenment revenue.
Lets be aware that both are here to stay and relate to other peoples likes and dislikes. We are all together in this world and should learn to tolerate other peoples beleafs and hates. We do this and what a better world we could make.
Cannabis, and related topics
Xantief Posted Jun 13, 2006
Given the choice between alcohol and cannabinol as a 'social tool', I prefer cannabinol, but am no stranger to the effluvium of the yeast.
Abuse of either one obviously has its health repercussions.
BBC News lead me to believe that binge drinking is a large and growing problem in the UK. Do so many people feel the need to escape so completely from reality? Or, does the cliche 'more is better' apply to this behaviour? Or, is it simply 'proper form' to drink&drink&drink?
My advice to the younger tokers and drinkers in my acquaintance has always emphasized moderation. Used properly, both these substances are indeed beneficial, but excess is not the ticket to Nirvana that many assume it to be. The user can adapt to small amounts and enjoy the respective 'high', yet remain in control. And just as important, spend less.
For the tokers here, as an example I would just mention that the 'head change' occurs with the first toke. It seems to be a definite quantum-shift, which does not become deeper or stronger with subsequent tokes. Excessive use only leads to the state known as 'stuck on stupid'. Cheapskate as I am, I learned to stop after the first round, and I still enjoy the effect.
My point is...umm...I forgot, man...
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Cannabis, and related topics
- 1: Dr. Gonzo (Jan 5, 2006)
- 2: Thorn (Jan 6, 2006)
- 3: Thorn (Jan 6, 2006)
- 4: Mr Jack (Jan 7, 2006)
- 5: Thorn (Jan 7, 2006)
- 6: Mr Jack (Jan 7, 2006)
- 7: Thorn (Jan 7, 2006)
- 8: Thorn (Jan 7, 2006)
- 9: Shylo ((Are you crazy?)) (Feb 20, 2006)
- 10: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Feb 20, 2006)
- 11: jezza_lake (Mar 26, 2006)
- 12: handsomeTurboMan (Apr 2, 2006)
- 13: Boobybro (Apr 19, 2006)
- 14: Xantief (Jun 13, 2006)
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