A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community

post if you are bored

Post 261


What happens if he gets itchy??

post if you are bored

Post 262

Jerk Gently in The USA

never thought about that, i quess he could roll around on the ground or rub himself against a tree like a bear. it makes me laugh to imagine it.

post if you are bored

Post 263


Don't worry...I'm a litte smiley - weird...I have a tendency to think of things that normal people wouldn't....smiley - laugh

post if you are bored

Post 264

Jerk Gently in The USA

you must have daylight over they about now, its a bit after midnite here in the western hemisphere, are you posting from work?

post if you are bored

Post 265


Aye, just about to go home from work...it's about 5:20 on a Monday arvo... smiley - smiley

post if you are bored

Post 266

Jerk Gently in The USA

ive noticed that i can sit and wait for replies to my postings and never see them pop up so i slouch back to my space to see that alls in order then i come back to the conversation to find that theres been a posting sittin there for some minutes.....smiley - huh. as an example i waitd for your reply then snooped around elsewhere and thought you may have left or something, then i came back and your post was 3 or more minutes old. do i always have to leave the page and come back to see the reply? or will eventually pop up? im kinda new around here smiley - smiley

post if you are bored

Post 267


I'm not entirely sure...I tend to hang around my space (in moments of intense boredom...which is what this thread's all about smiley - smiley)...and refresh the screen every once in a while...then it'll update what's going on...

..having said that, it's probably time I left anyway...I have to see a man about a smiley - stoutsmiley - smiley

post if you are bored

Post 268

Jerk Gently in The USA

ok , quess its time for bed for me. smiley - towel *waves his towel in departure* been good talkin with you. i aded you to my frien list smiley - smiley

post if you are bored

Post 269


'Night then...always good to make a new friend...smiley - biggrinsmiley - cheerup!

post if you are bored

Post 270

'doing the Albert'

Hmm, no not here... must be somewhere...

post if you are bored

Post 271


okay, I'm bored, and I've only been on H2G2 a couple of months and I don't know anyone, so I'm going to horn in on you're conversation, as long as being bored is the only qualification

post if you are bored

Post 272

This spce intentionally left blank

Hey, don't worry... this conversation is designed to be horned in on smiley - smiley Else it would not exist... anyway... if you post, it means that we have something to read, and therefore it will relieve our boredom somewhat smiley - winkeye

post if you are bored

Post 273


That is positively Zen as well as practical. And it's got a good community message behind it. Sounds like an American election slogan "H2G2 - posting together, we WILL eliminate boredom! Vote H2G2 for President in 2004!"

post if you are bored

Post 274

Jerk Gently in The USA

**casts his vote for four years of something completely different***

post if you are bored

Post 275

This spce intentionally left blank

Zen? I never thought of it that way... I was just talking out of my a**e as per usual... hey, maybe I should go into politics smiley - winkeye

post if you are bored

Post 276


Yes, Natai has a gift for talking out of his a**e smiley - biggrin!

post if you are bored

Post 277

CHeEky CHeRub

You should be lucky that a conversation such as this is there to keep you from the boredom, when I'm bored I get extremely hyperactivesmiley - nahnah very noisey and disruptivesmiley - silly. When this happens in work I am allocated "Babysitters" to keep me out of trouble. Which doesn't go down well at 4am when everyone is smiley - zzz

On the weightloss thing, you could always eat fruit smiley - strawberryor something. I know its not as tasty as a midnitesmiley - mars,smiley - crisps,smiley - donut but its a lot healthier. (trust me they are my downfall, Fat girls knowsmiley - doh)

Jerk you could always bring up more than 1 page, so that when you are wandering around you will always have your homepage there ready to refresh as often as you like.

smiley - ta
CHeEkysmiley - cupid

post if you are bored

Post 278


Aye, and isn't this what The People have been seeking throughout all of history...??

A place to go where nobody cares about your colour, background, religion, appearance or history...

A place where there is no dress code...no door charge...no elite set that always get in before you...

A place where you can talk absolute tripe with total strangers...

A place where you can wander around and sing to yourself when there's nobody else to talk to...

Boredom is one of the most hostile forces in nature...and this is a place where boredom is studied...analysed...and someday...we may even find a cure...

post if you are bored

Post 279

CHeEky CHeRub

Hadn't realy thought of it like that. S'pose thats because I just see people for who or what they are behind skin colour or the clothes the wear etc.
I just treat everyone in the way I would want to be treated.

This type of place is easier to talk to strangers because it isn't face to face, and because your not worried too much about hurting peoples feelings. Here you can be smiley - weird, or just let off smiley - steam, you can be like Homer J.smiley - doh, or a world renowned smiley - scientist, it doesn't matter, everyone treats you the same. Like an equal.
That's how it should be in really life!

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, here your given the chance to have your say without feelingsmiley - silly

CHeEkysmiley - cupid

post if you are bored

Post 280


See, as much as I'd like to say the same, I still have a few demons to deal with. As a general rule I take people on an individual basis...and try not to judge people...but for some reason...even to this day, no matter how much I try to address and overcome it...clowns still freak me out...smiley - biggrin

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