The CAC Continuum

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The Wildly Poetic Issue

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Fiction smiley - cheersWeird Science smiley - drunk First/Personals smiley - hangoverKitchen Syncronicitiessmiley - emptySatire

Is it a full moon? Not sure, but there seems to be poetry everywhere lately, so the CAC Continuum has decided to focus on verse, poetry, prose, sonnets and well, just some good poetry really.

Yes, yes, I know, we said there'd be poetry, well this is sort of poetry, poetry in motion. By motion we don't mean the sort associated with bowels either. Get your teeth into the next exciting chapter in the adventures of that hippy Vogon:

A4449080 by U802129

smiley - peacesign

Rightio, we did promise some poetry didn't we. A couple of hearfelt pieces to begin with, just to whet your appetite.

A4449125 and A4449189 by U518986

smiley - rose

The next piece continues the natural flow of things:

A4449251 by U1655536

smiley - peacedove

What's a poetry issue without a folk feel to it? And everyone knows:

A4449369 by U1528919

smiley - musicalnote

Many a mother has been the muse to the poet:

A4449413 by U1337064

smiley - love

Finally, a piece to remind of us how fragile things can be, and so we don't forget:

A4449468 by U201592

smiley - star

Remember if you like what you see, leave a message with the relevant Researcher.
You can always suggest writing for the CAC Continuum either by contacting The Post, by getting in touch or by visiting us at our own place.

This week's CAC Continuum was rhymed and versed by Frood

as part of the Committee for Alien Content's Continuing search for truth and a wider audience.

Speak for yourself!

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