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Oooohh... tumbleweed... pretty...

Post 1

Ming Mang

*settles herself down in a corner and watches the tumbleweed intently to see what happens*
smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin


Oooohh... tumbleweed... pretty...

Post 2

Insane Endeavour

*Joins Ming watching the tumbleweed.*
smiley - bigeyes
*Says ooh when it does a spectacular, umm... tumble.*


Oooohh... tumbleweed... pretty...

Post 3

Ming Mang

*says 'ahhh' when it does another spectacular tumble just to balance things out* smiley - winkeye


Oooohh... tumbleweed... pretty...

Post 4

Insane Endeavour

*Watches the wind take it about a metre into the air and 'whoo's' at it. Watches it bring it back down to land in a brilliant Torvil and Dean-like movement.*


Oooohh... tumbleweed... pretty...

Post 5

Ming Mang

*starts blowing at some tumbleweed to try and make it do more spectacular things*


Oooohh... tumbleweed... pretty...

Post 6

Insane Endeavour

*Tumbleweed turns around and asks Ming just who she's blowing at, and does she mind... but executes a fantastic triple pirouette anyway.*


Oooohh... tumbleweed... pretty...

Post 7

Ming Mang

*applauds the tumbleweed*
*informs the tumbleweed that she was blowing at the tumbleweed and no she didn't mind, but that was a particularly spectacular manouvre*
smiley - biggrin


Oooohh... tumbleweed... pretty...

Post 8

Ming Mang

*blows at the tumble weed again, because it seems to have stopped moving and begun gathering dust...*


Oooohh... tumbleweed... pretty...

Post 9

Insane Endeavour

*Lugs in a huge industrial-sized fan to try and get it moving again.*


Oooohh... tumbleweed... pretty...

Post 10

Ming Mang

*wonders if there's a socket to plug the fan into*


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