A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub
Crossed Purposes Pub-April 2004
Wrinkled Rocker Posted Apr 30, 2004
*drains the dregs from the bottle of bubbly...*
Aaah! That's good stuff...!
Goodness, it's almost a new month again...where did all the drinking time go?
Crossed Purposes Pub-April 2004
Hypatia Posted Apr 30, 2004
Caer, are we still planning an outing in your convertible?
Too much
. Think I'll switch to
and vodka.
Crossed Purposes Pub-April 2004
Coniraya Posted Apr 30, 2004
I reckon so, but we shall have to wait for Pan and Gwennie to reappear.
*opens another bottle of *
Just to keep us going till May
Crossed Purposes Pub-April 2004
JulesK Posted Apr 30, 2004
Well, it's midnight here so I guess it's....tum-te-tum....yes it's May now, I believe. So where do we drink today?
Crossed Purposes Pub-April 2004
Coniraya Posted May 1, 2004
What? A new thread?
Ok, here we go Pan!
*selects remote control on her pda and sets the blue goo couch in motion and manages to steer it through the door towards the new thread.......*
Crossed Purposes Pub-April 2004
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted May 1, 2004
...which would be here:
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Crossed Purposes Pub-April 2004
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