A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 141

Researcher 168814

*peeps out into the alley... smiley - yikes DISAPPEARS smiley - yikes*

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 142

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*There comes a sound from the deepest shadows of the alley where only the toes of a pair of very large, very sinister looking shoes can be seen. If you squint you might see the form of a big ugly smiley - monster holding a very frail old lady in its claws. The sound comes again...*


Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 143

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*the sound of foil being scrunched can be heard from beneath the couch...Pandora digs her nails into the front of the couch and sucks in her gut...* Ooof! smiley - yawn Hey, was I asleep for very long? I barely feel rested. And who's the wise cracker who shoved me under that thing? ...*look around for Gwennie as this wreaks of her doing...*
...*tosses a kiss toward the fellas and steps into the alley for a morning...* smiley - yikes HEY YOU GUYS!!!! GET OUT HERE!!! SOMEONE'S GONE AND DISTROYED THE ENTIRE ALLEY!
...*wonders how she could have slept through that...doesn't care...* 8-O ...and lookie there ---> It's mari-rae's cane!
Oh my oh my...this just won't do. smiley - cry Someone's taken Mari-rae
...smiley - devil oh but it looks like she put up quiet a battle! ...I need a weapon...*runs into the kitchen and grabs a rather large spoon...*
smiley - puff I'm gon' in. Gotta' save M-rae.
smiley - erm In case I'm stolen by a band of roaving gypsies or somethin'...well...smiley - bleeping come save me you lilly liverd...no, no. I'll save my energy for dealing with whatever's got M-raesmiley - zen

smiley - bigeyes Wha'?

smiley - biggrin Oh yessss..the task at hand. smiley - blushsmiley - laugh

...*rubs the spoon quickly on the rug...as the friction heats it up...
Pan kicks open the door to the alley and dives headlong into the darkest corner...*

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 144

Researcher 168814

*wonders where in the alley he is*

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 145

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*sounds from the darkest corner of the alley are heard...*
Oooff...Ugh...Grrr...AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH HAAAALP!!!! RRR!! Ugh

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 146

Researcher 168814

smiley - yikes careful... that´s my nose...

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 147

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - erm Sorry old chap...*feels around until she's satisfied it's REALLY E. smiley - flyhi ...*smells the smiley - alesmiley - coffee ==~~...* Yep, it IS YOU! E., feel around for mari-rae, will you? And by and by, what sort of weapon are you armed with?
...*feels safer with E. here although not sure why, doesn't care...*

Mari-rae! smiley - yawn Mari-rae...ari-rae...ri-rae...rae...ae...ae..ae..ae...

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 148

Researcher 168814

I`ve got a goat somewhere... and my arms are in the right places...


Perhaps we should inform Kes about this situation... HE might have an smiley - ale for us, so we can keep smiley - cool and have "no worries" smiley - erm

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 149

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Hey! Over here!

Watch what you are grabbing there, bub. smiley - grr


halp .... smiley - sadface

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 150


*Wanders in to a vacant pub*

Hello? Who covered Pan's couch in foil? smiley - erm

*Notices the open door to the alley, wanders across the bar, peers outside and sighs as she sees the wrecked alley that is littered with shoes and even an old cane*

Harrumph! Vandals! smiley - cross Where ever one goes there are vandals...

*Tuts, closes the door and remembers that once again she has forgotten her spectacles and failed to turn on her hearing aid*

I think I'll just make a nice cup of fresh smiley - coffee... smiley - bigeyes

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 151

Researcher 168814

Hey! There´s a light... what is is... smiley - ermsmiley - yikes it´s a pair of eyes!!! three of them smiley - yikes

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 152

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - groan Three is NOT a pair E.! Honestly, I don't know where you come up with...smiley - yikes...*grabs E.'s arm VERY tightly...spoon at the ready...* SOMETHING smiley - yawn JUST TOUCHED MY LEG!!!

smiley - bigeyes Oooo...lookie there...two blue eyes and one green eye.smiley - erm
...*digs her nails into E.'s arm...whispers...*don't 'spose that goat of yours was one of them there cloned thingies, ya' know...with like, only one eye???

What IS that smell?

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 153

Researcher 168814

I´m definitly going to leave this alley... is this why you always go in here??? you must be a masochist... well, I guess Sultandude was better at coping with this situation than I am... and YOU ARE HURTING MY ARM PAN!!!

smiley - silly

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 154


*Settles down with her smiley - coffee and a good book, then wonders briefly where everyone is, especially Mari who has abandoned her knitting in a heap on the floor before sighing contentedly and opening her book* smiley - bigeyes

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 155

Pandora...Born Again Tart

Gee whiz E.! Fine. Whatever. ...*removes the pins from the wax E figure...mumbles something about men always taking the fun of out of things...can't live with um...no hunting season and a whole bunch of other stuff...*

...*smiley - footprintssmiley - footprints...*MARI-smiley - yawn-RAAAAAAEE! smiley - puff
...*begins tapping out code on her skull...* here I am
where the smiley - bleep are you I'm hungry* MARI-RAE!!
~~~~~~~~smiley - runsmiley - footprints~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - runsmiley - puff~~~smiley - run
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - run~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~smiley - run~~~~~~~~smiley - puff~~~~~~~~~smiley - run

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 156

Researcher 168814

CAREFUL PAN! smiley - run ...... smiley - headhurts......smiley - ill

What is this smellllllllllll...........

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 157

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Wriggles her fingers free of the 3-headed smiley - monster goat's grip enough to reach into her cardigan pocket. There she is happy to find the 3" long darning needle that she always keeps tucked away for knitting emergencies like dropped stitches. smiley - smiley She holds the needle firmly in her hand and waits for her moment. Her plan is to plunge it into the one middle green eye of the goat smiley - monster, or into any other softer bits of him that might present themselves.

Meanwhile the 3 eyed goat smiley - monster thingy has begun snuffling and snorting and shaking his horned head around. Disgusting bits of snot go flying out from his nostrils. smiley - tongueout She notices an odor too..

smiley - groan*

Will this terrible ordeal never end???


Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 158

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

*Wanders in and takes a stool next to Gwennie*
"Any chance of a bottle of smiley - bubbly?"

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 159


*Looks up from her book and turns up her hearing aid*

Oh hello Sultandude sweetness...smiley - smooch What was that about a bottle of smiley - bubbly? I think there's some in the cellar but that appears to be locked. I think there's another way in to the cellar via the alley if you'd like to try it...

*Queue spooky X-Files music*

Crossed Purposes: April 2002

Post 160

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

*Sultandude wanders towards the alley door but hears commotion type noises issuing from the alley, hangs a U turn and decides to settle for a Heineken smiley - ale*

"Gwennie dear, What's going on in the alley?"smiley - cool

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