A Conversation for On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 1



Up for peer review. It might not be that well researched, but it got a soul. smiley - smiley

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 2

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

smiley - biggrin I like this one!!! Of course I am biased - I am a smoker.

Here in SA, not only is smoking banned in public places (something I can accept) there is talk now about not being allowed to smoke and drive!

Normally entries should be written in third person but I don't see this one working that way. This is a fun entry and I would kinda expect it to really start a fair amount of interaction between smokers and non-smokers.

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 3

Dr Hell

Hmmmmmm.... That first person thing can probably be corrected. In my view this entry more a personal oppinion than a factual observation... Before I start with my worthless rant:

First two things: I am a smoker, and I have the debatable pleasure to be living in Germany, a smoke-friendly place to be comparing to the US or Brazil. One more personal oppinion I think should be mentioned: As long as noone is being annoyed one should be allowed to smoke wherever he likes. (Legislation to control this will probably work the wrong way around)

I think most 'facts' presented in this entry are based on false premises. As an example let me take the chapter on "Social" skills of smokers:

"When people gather together to smoke [snip] they somehow have a common bond which binds them together in opposion to others."

Coffee-breaks work pretty much in the same way. It's not a smoker / non-smoker phenomenon.

"They feel different, rebelling."

Provided there are laws against pausing for cigarettes or the like. Otherwise, I don't think any of my smoking colleagues feels rebelling (I used to feel rebelling while smoking at school - and yes - that WAS a cool feeling - I felt like Marlboroman, manly, adult, free and rebel - I only missed the bad shaved skin on my face. Picture a cowboy on a mustang at sunset for best dramatic effect). Then we go on:

"Non-smokers don't like that they smoke, and the smokers retaliate with ganging together and face the endless stream of annoying facts."

First I don't think non-smokers give a damn, except if they are emotionally tied to you - like your mom or close friends. Most people don't care about your health, they will not object against your smoking. But what *does* play a role in this scheme is: Envy. You are on a pause - on the excuse of a smoke - they are not. Again: Works the same with coffee-breaks.

Second: The sentence like this sounds like it's the non-smokers who started. And the smokers react to this.

Let'S move on:

"Therefore, since the group mentioned all have a common goal, that is, to finish that cigarette and go back to whatever they were doing before they got the urge to smoke, is more friendly towards eachother, and ends up getting to know eachother."

Until you are forced to be in the same group as that ignoramus colleague from the third floor, and his sexist racist jokes. Or the constant vanishing of lighters... I do not think that the group is as homogeneous as portrayed. Coffe-breaks work the same way. One paranthesis please: Probably because the number of nicotin-addicts is shrinking, probably the people found smoking are more probable to be of the same oppinion on many things - but that does not make anyone immune of the 3rd-floor-imbecile.(Any similarity with RL people is merely intentional) Moving on:

"Humans are always seeking for comfort and pleasure from others
so that they do not have to feel so alone all the time."

We live in a sick society... why not having a sex-pause instead of smoking a cigarette? It seems like the cigarette is the cheap sex-surrogate... Or, the coffee-pause... On:

"We seek partners, friends, and so on. This means that the smokers have the opportunity to aquire new friendships much faster than non-smokers because of the gang mentality mentioned above."

Doubt that. Smokers are a minority. Smokers will probably find similar-thinking people within that minority, but that does not attest them normal communication-skills for the rest of the society. (I met some lots of dumb people among smokers... The problem is I LIKE smoking, and a cigar or a pipe takes too long...)

"I deem this as a good thing, and if you want hot news from, say, the
management of your company, go smoke in the smoking room. You'd be surprised."

The author's probably right on this one...

All of this entry works in a similar way. It's the author's (valid) personal oppinion (and I agree on some points). And many of the 'facts' are not 'facts' they are assumptions based on false premises. In this case:

1 - Smokers are sort of rebellish outlaws
2 - Smokers tend to group, and therefore are more social

At least in this country (Germany) where a big percentage of the population is still smoking, this does not apply. There are as many imbeciles in the smoking percentile as in any other section of the population. They are no natural-born-rebels and (as most people) have poor social-skills.

Nevertheless it's well written, and on many occasions I at first had to agree... But I don't think it's 'Edited Guide' - stuff

Leaving for a cigarette,


A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 4


Infinity, I think you're right about the article starting a debate!

Apart from the obvious stylistic 'no-no's, I disagree with the majority of the article - and I guess I can do this because it's not factual smiley - smiley. Smokers don't smoke because they enjoy a cigarette. If cigarettes were so enjoyable, everybody would be smoking. Remember how sick you felt when you first smoked? I mean smoked properly, inhaling and not pretending. You kept going because it looked cool or because your friends smoked or for whatever reason, until you were addicted. The only enjoyment afforded by a cigarette is to kill the nicotine craving in your body and the psychological addiction in your head.

BTW, I am a smoker smiley - smiley I just try to be honest about why I smoke.

And now I'm going for a cigarette.

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 5

Dr Hell

Just came back from mine...

Isn't it funny that this thread incites smokers to go smoke?

Leaving for another one (... no... just kidding),


A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 6


Me too! I would have been as erudite as you, Hell, if I hadn't been gasping for a cigarette smiley - winkeye.

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 7

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

Just back from having a smoke.

The worst non-smoker is the one who used to smoke.

I started this job in January, sitting alone in an office and wondering why the hell did I change jobs. The the no smoking in the office rule came into being and outside I went every hour or so. The result was having conversations with people I had only greeted before. We soon had a social group going- we call each other when going for a smoke.

There are people who can give up with no problem probably 'cause they really want to. I agree I smoke because my body craves the nicotine, but I enjoy smoking and don't even want to try to stop.

smiley - smiley

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 8


Back from my cigarette and two weeks pause to find a discussion about my entry. How nice. I see your points, and deem them good. This article is my own opinion and it is probably not Edited Guide stuff as was pointed out, but nevertheless, it started a discussion, and I will have to be content with that. smiley - smiley I can probably change the entry to be third perspective and change a couple of points that was pointed out by you all, and it would probably be alot better. I will take that into consideration, but for now, 75 hour workweeks tend to throw you off a bit. Phew.

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 9

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

smiley - smiley Welcome back! Let's have a smoke! smiley - winkeye

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 10

a girl called Ben

Ok, I've been a smoker and a non-smoker in my time and here are a few thoughts.

1 - I can never resist a pun and you might choose to make 'heaven sent cancer stick' into a 'heaven scent cancer stick' - or you might not.

2 - The worst thing about stopping smoking was no cigarettes after sex - they stopped my partner from dozing off, and they did round the whole thing off nicely.

3 - The next worst thing was no fag-breaks at work. In fact I still go and stand outside the building for 10 minutes or so every now and again. Works best if I have someone with me.

4 - The third worst thing about stopping smoking was having to give up rolling ciggarettes. There is something very soothing about all those doings with the paper and the tobacco. Plus I was very good at it, and it is nice to exercise a skill in public.

5 - I spent a while living with a smoker recently, and my clothes ended up smelling of smoke. Yuk, yuk, yukkity yuck.

All the best, it is a good entry.

an ex-smoker called Ben

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 11


The entry could be shortened a little bit:

Smoking causes cancer and death.

Smoking is expensive.

Smoke smells like s**t.

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 12

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

And let's not forget:

Smoking is pleasurable to a great many people who don't necessarily disagree with you, but still claim the right to smoke if they wish. smiley - smileysmiley - winkeye


A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 13


You are right, but certainly not insane. smiley - smiley

As a lifelong nonsmoker I should promote smoking. Yes, I should promote it. Smokers have one big advantage to society: they die early and fast, with comparably small costs during their cancer caused dying in the hospital, thus relieving us from paying them when they are old.

Sane? Maybe. And cruel.

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 14

Dr Hell

Hey don't forget the extra tax you have to pay on every cigarette. And all the non-smokers working in the cigarette industry... Smokers actually support them. Think of tobacco exporting countries, and the wealth accumulated in some few hands. All sponsored by the poor early-dying smokers.

Apart from that think about how un-american it was NOT to smoke some years back. The governments will always find some legal drug to keep people docile and controllable... Talks on legalizing weed... In 50 years it will be the same discussion going on over weed...

Smoking or not smoking should be treated as drinking or not drinking.

Alcohol is dangerous, THC is dangerous, OH! driving cars is *really* dangerous.... MAybe we should ban car-driving and live in caves again...

Oh my... Smoking is bad, and so is any discussion on that.

Meanwhile I'm gone smoking,


A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 15

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

So what is safe to do. Let's see if somewhere out there, there's something not dangerous that we can do instead of the dangerous fun and enjoyable things we normally do.


*thinking some more....*

smiley - biggrin

*smiley - running out for a smoke*

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 16


Yes, go and ruin your lifes. But please stop advertising it to minors.

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 17

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Any discussion about smoking will invariably end up with 'It's dangerous... so is drinking, cannabis, driving cars, living in houses...' smiley - winkeye
Inter's happy with his debate, but this really is a non-argument. They're talking about legalising weed (hurrah!) because the reasons for not doing so are pathetic and becoming a real nuisance. Poisonouswise, it's practically non-toxic. Alcohol can be used safely-tobacco can't. (i.e. without causing addiction and nastiness, except maybe by American Indians once-a-month.)
I don't have a problem with smokers- it's smoking I loathe. I won't take against someone who's nice and worthwhile and all just cos they smoke. I object when people do it around me, because I don't see why I should have to suffer (and I don't- I move.)... just like I'd move away from someone who was picking their nose, spitting at pigeons, and industriously carving their name into their forearm whilst humming a little tune. (Which I'm sure is something we all do in private...) smiley - smiley
Going for a bagel.

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 18

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

smiley - huh Advertising smoking to minors? You have lost me Wonko.

I smoke in front of my son and he hates it with a passion. Good for him I say. He would love for me to stop.

How can talking about smoking be adverse to minors, there's not much in smoking to fascinate and thereby encourage minors. Worse is the 'advertising' of sex. Now there is something which could be dangerous to minors.

Thank goodness there are moderators.

smiley - smiley

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 19

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Ah, but Wonko's someone who thinks there are no nice friendly girls. smiley - winkeye
Minors who are so inclined find smoking fascinating for itself. It's 'wrong' and grown-up and forbidden.
Unsafe sex= dangerous, otherwise- answer those awkward questions.
There was a Thing in the Paper about a nice, middle-class respectable doctor and his wife who were regular cannabis users, and their teenage son saw the practice as deeply, deeply sad simply because his dad liked it. Odd.
Something I've always wanted to know, though: why do people start smoking (assuming they're aware of the risks)?

A427628 - On the subject of enjoying a cigarette

Post 20


Dear Infinity, we should be friends smiley - smiley, and all minors who are reading this, to put it clear:

Sex is good (safer sex of course)
Smoking is dangerous
Many other things are dangerous

Anyone disagree?

And, BTW, kids do what their parents did, only it takes until they are grown ups, just in time to teach the bad habits to their children. Who says it takes *nice friendly* girls to have sex, Mandragora my love? smiley - smiley

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