A Conversation for Muse Achievements
CCAS Problem
SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness Started conversation Jun 25, 2004
Recently, withing the last couple of days, someone has requested to join the Cult of Cheesecake and Chocolate Milk, but the person who maintains the site, Researcher 178815, seems to have left H2G2. Unless there is already a new site, someone needs to take over this job so that new followers can join...
Muse of Evil Grinning Elf Dudes
CCAS Problem
Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ? Posted Jun 25, 2004
Yeah, I'd be willing to take over, as I said in cheescake, and I'm currently talking to the gurus and now the italics about it, but we'll probably just have to make a new site.
(Not actually a muse, but this refers to milk and
of which she is a memeber
CCAS Problem
Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ? Posted Jun 25, 2004
Ok, here's the thread on Jim's space for all interested F84634?thread=440286
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CCAS Problem
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