A Conversation for Foxy Manor

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1481

Matthew Kershaw

* M.K grabs the bottle Kes has been given and stares... *

I'm terribly sorry Kes, I don't know where THAT one came from !!! smiley - bigeyes

* He searches around for a replacement and stops... *

* An evil grin passes across his face... *

I know it might be far too early, but I have got some absinthe around here somewhere...smiley - bigeyes

* Searches *

Ahah !

* pours some small measure and places it infront of his best 'alcoholic' customer...smiley - winkeye *

* He turns to Dax... *

Would you like a drop my dear ?

I here its magic in its own right, but perhaps that is just the mild halucengenic properties inherent... smiley - winkeye

Charmed ?

Well, Piper alright, but then again, I'm not all that fussy about which one in particular... smiley - winkeye

* Thinks about her suggestion to stop time, and ponders that he would have certainly had 'the time of his life'...smiley - bigeyes *

Lord M.K*

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1482


*Looks at label*

By jove - so it is - genuine absinthe. However did you manage that? Haven't had one of those since France gave up on Algeria. Yes please!

*Braces himself for the unique experience about to unfold ...*

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1483


Well sure... I´ll have one of those, I´m up for anything, no matter what time of day it is smiley - smiley

*Blinks knowningly at M.K.* smiley - winkeye

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1484


*Kes has finished his drink, and spent a couple of minutes watching the taps tap-dancing in the sink*

Thank you Mi'Lord. I'll go looking for Peace(ful) now ... See if I can figure out which one of us she is or isn't married to. On which subject, I'm expecting some papers from my London lawyers. If they arrive while I'm out - just leave them at reception - I'll collect later.

Cheer up, it may never happen, or it may, depending. Farewell.

*Exit, followed by small selection of irridescent floating elephants*

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1485

Matthew Kershaw

* M.K decides to join them in the toast to being utterly 'bladdered' after half a measure...smiley - bigeyes *

* After he regains the power of speech, he says to Kes... *

Smooth, isn't it... smiley - bigeyes

...but, I thought it would be a walk in the forest for someone of your constitution... smiley - winkeye

* He sizes up Dax's 'constitution' and is impressed... smiley - bigeyes *

* He ponders 'She certainly looks strong and fit enough for anything...smiley - tongueout' *

* Needless to say, he has quite a few things in mind...smiley - winkeye *

Lord M.K*

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1486


*Takes a sip of the drink*

*The room starts spinning a bit and she breakes out into song, as alcohol usually has that effect on her*

*After preforming a beautiful song and dance for M.K. she leans in on his shoulder, an intoxicated smile on her face, whispering in his ear*

So, what does a lady have to do to get a room around here? smiley - winkeye

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1487

Matthew Kershaw

* M.K watches several girls performing an exotic dance, infact the very kind Ms.Bardot did so well all those years ago, that he entirely misses the exit of Kes and his identical twin/ or twins as they case maybe...smiley - bigeyes *

* He watches the strap of her top gradually slide down her beautific tanned arm... smiley - smiley *

* He draws closer to her ear and whispers... *

Follow me... smiley - winkeye

* He leans around again, closer enough that his hot breath causes its way down Dax's shoulder...smiley - bigeyes *

I think you had better hold on to me... smiley - winkeye

* He totters like a baby on his first steps towards the Reception area... smiley - smiley *

Lord M.K*

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1488


*Giggling and stumbling following Lord M.K. out*

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1489

I'm not really here

I missed an interesting evening I think.
Oh well. Time for my morning drink.

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1490

Will Jenkins (Dead)

*Once more into the breach...*
Any one serving in this place?.....No?....Oh well!
*Will jumps over the bar and helps himself to some evil looking green-stuff*

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1491

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*stares at the glass warily*
Time to get slaughtered?
Well... if I have to smiley - winkeye

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1492

Jedi Jade and her daemon Thras AKA Dr. Amelia T. "Bermuda" Rangel

...as long as there's coffe in it...

Sure. Please.
...d'you make espresso...?

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1493

Jedi Jade and her daemon Thras AKA Dr. Amelia T. "Bermuda" Rangel

*smiles and remembers that she was happily molested last night...*


The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1494

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Hi Mara, do tell me more! smiley - sadface

*Kasia purs Mara an espresso and an Earl Grey with hot milk for herself*

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1495

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*grabs a bottle of tequila and hops up onto a stool*

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1496

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Hiya Tweet', how are things going?

Can I have some of this tequilla, please?

*Kasia sits right beside Tweetie*

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1497

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*clatter of high heels
Good morning everybody!
I'll be serving breakfast in a few minutes...smiley - winkeye
whispers to Kasia: I enjoyed that jaccuzi, Kasia, next time shall we invite Mina too? After all, it was her room!
*clatters off towards the kitchen

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1498

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Trust there to be no-one here when I have some juicy gossip!
Oh, well, you'll have to come & find me now, then bribe me with chocolate..smiley - bigeyes

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1499

Hagi, Muse of Free Kicks and the Naming of Non-Human Objects

*Steps through the door. Every one stops what they are doing and stares*

Howdy all

*Walks up to the bar and addresses the bar keep*

You know where I can get a drink

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1500

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Er, it's the barkeep's day off, but I can serve you...what would you like?

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