A Conversation for Foxy Manor

Bar is OPEN!!!

Post 1401


*Smiles mysteriously, pondering the question*

"Well, I just came to "town" two days ago, and I´m thinking of checking into the manor... Can you recommend it?"

*Smiles sweetly*

"As for something revealing about myself... what sort of information did you have in mind? smiley - smiley "

Bar is OPEN!!!

Post 1402

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*clatter of high heels
Lunch is almost ready in the Dining Room!

Bar is OPEN!!!

Post 1403

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*takes Dax's arm & leads her to the Dining Room....

Bar is OPEN!!!

Post 1404

Matthew Kershaw

* M.K sighs as the maid takes away someone he hoped to get to know better... smiley - winkeye *

Lord M.K*

Bar is OPEN!!!

Post 1405

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

she's sat alone in the Dining Room but what are you going to do with the Lady?

Bar is OPEN!!!

Post 1406


*walks in trying to spot M.K.* smiley - smiley *Sits down next to him*

"Sorry I left, but a girl has to eat you know..." smiley - winkeye

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1407

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

Same here, GB. I love men too much also. That's why they can drive me crazy.

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1408

Matthew Kershaw

* M.K looks around under the furniture to see where that voice came from... smiley - winkeye

Lord M.K*

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1409

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

The orphans will be very happy with the gifts they will get from the revenue your valuables will bring. I wish I could cure my run-on sentences.

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1410

I'm not really here

I haven't been back for a few days.
Anyone miss me?
Oh well.
I was trying out my nrew Stateroom. smiley - smiley

Anyone around to serve?

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1411

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*pours Mina a PN
*pours herself a PGGB

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1412

I'm not really here

Thanks GB. smiley - smiley
Why the sighing? Still missing St.Bob?

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1413

V (I'm going to be a Daddy :-D) Officaly the bloke who carrys Bob home ;-)

Why he is not that good a person smiley - tongueout

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1414

Duffy The Cardigan Slayer

*meekly crys out above the chatter*

Hello, I'm new here and you all look like family, mind if I join you?

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1415

I'm not really here

~brings a huge drink to Duffy~

Make yourself at home hon.
Have you got a room?

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1416

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Hi Duffy, nice to meet you.

Lord M.K., how are you?

Is there any possibility to have a PN? Mina, what is this thing about stateroom? Does it mean, you aren't anymore my roommate?!

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1417

I'm not really here

Oh yes, sorry Kasia, I got an upgrade!
Totally unexpectedly.

I'll miss you though...
Let's have a drink!

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1418

Duffy The Cardigan Slayer

Hi Mina
Hi Kassia

A room! why am I staying?

I don't mind sharing if push comes to shovesmiley - winkeye

Thanks for the drink, mines a Dry Shepy's Cider if you please!

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1419

V (I'm going to be a Daddy :-D) Officaly the bloke who carrys Bob home ;-)

Of corse you are staying who would save us from the hords of DEmonic cardigans other wise. Heres yu drink
*hands her a Cider*
Is a PGGB ok for every one else?
*Starts making them without waghting for the anser*

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1420

I'm not really here

Another cider drinker!
~hugs Duffy and gets a drink~

If you want to stay, go and check in at reception.
Be sure to visit my dungeon.

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