A Conversation for Foxy Manor

Fresh sheets

Post 141

Fashion Cat

*lies on the bed trying to figure it all out, then eventually falls asleep having disturbed dreams...*

(smiley - tongueout)

Fresh sheets

Post 142

Matthew Kershaw

* M.K slowly wakes up from sleeping on the couch... smiley - winkeye *

Lord M.K*

Fresh sheets

Post 143

Fashion Cat

*hmm... you can probably stay there as well until I find out what happened... I wonder if there is a security tape I could look at? smiley - tongueout*

Good morning love, I'm sorry to have taken so much of the bed last night... you should have just moved me across a bit... smiley - smiley

Breakfast is served

Post 144

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*knock knock
My Lord and Lady?
Breakfast is served, would you like a tray?
*Hands silver tray to Lady FC as she props herself up on her pillows.
*Lord M.K* carries on snoring.
Lady FC: Oh, leave him, GB. He can have some later...let me see...ooh! Bacon, eggs, sausage & tomatoes! You spoil me!smiley - bigeyes
*GB pours her ladyship a cup of strong tea
GB: Is there anything else, your Ladyship?
Lady FC shakes her head whilst munching on a slice of toast.
GB: Enjoy your breakfast, ring the bell when you're finished & I'll come back for the tray, I have to go serve breakfast in the Dining Room now.
*GB shuts the door behind her, quietly.
*would like her Ladyship to have her breakfast in peace*
Note to self: Must check out Brides Magazine for ideas for her Ladyship...smiley - winkeye
*clatter of high heels

Breakfast is served

Post 145

Fashion Cat

Oh and you must help me do the Hen night GB! One night, no lordship... I think we can handle this.. smiley - winkeye

Breakfast is served

Post 146

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*passes over another breakfast!*
You're ON!
Let me know when & where!smiley - tongueout

Breakfast is served

Post 147

Fashion Cat

when?? when DD leaves, otherwise there is no way I'll devote enough time to the havoc we will cause h2g2.

where?? i think we may have to set up a bar for brave males to venture into at their own will.... smiley - winkeye and if they stay away, then we'll go hunt them down! shouldnt be too hard surely! smiley - bigeyes

Breakfast is served

Post 148

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

No sooner said....smiley - smiley
*passes over breakfast tray*

Breakfast is served

Post 149

Matthew Kershaw

* A swirling essence looks down at the pair wondering why they have failed to notice he has past on... smiley - sadface *

The Late Lord M.KÝ

Hen Party is organized!

Post 150

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor



Post 151

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

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