A Conversation for Foxy Manor

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 41

Fashion Cat

*sits on the bed...*

oh darling, come lie down. its all been a rather stressful day for me...

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 42

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*knock knock
"Who's there?"
Bless you, your Lordship, now can I have my school uniform back, please? smiley - smiley

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 43

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

*looks hert*
You never dress up for me smiley - tongueout

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 44

Matthew Kershaw

* Any casual passers by just might be able to hear the following exchange... *

M.K - Well, my dear have you seen the movie Stripes ??? smiley - winkeye

* no response... *

Well, it goes a little something like this...smiley - bigeyes *

* There's a bang on the sideboard of a metalic object that might just be the ice-cream scooper... *

F.C - Whoa !!!

* cries a female voice... *

M.K - ...and of course this is generally pleasing !!!

* There is a squirt from a compressed can... *

F.C - OOHHH !!!!

M.K - Would you like chocolate sauce smeared on that !!! smiley - bigeyes

F.C - Yes ! Yes ! Don't Stop !!! Don't Stop !!! More ! More !

M.K - Hey ! Leave my nuts alone !

F.C - ...but, I thought we were suppossed to share everything !!!

* The less delicate have probably left by now... Well, all except possibly G.B smiley - winkeye *

Lord M.K*

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 45

Fashion Cat

*wonders where he got that tape from*

alright you... they've gone now... hows about a welcome back hug? smiley - winkeye

smiley - tongueout

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 46

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I'm still here! smiley - smiley
And Bob - I'll see you tonight smiley - winkeye

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 47

Fashion Cat


GB... KISS OFF!!!! leave his lordship and I alone to enjoy the few hours we have together before I must leave again...

(how was that? smiley - winkeye)

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 48

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Carnt waght but shouldent we leave them to it.

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 49

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

OK, no sooner said......
GB & Bob run off holding hands, heading for the Bar.....smiley - winkeye

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 50

Matthew Kershaw

* Overheard from the other side of door... *

M.K - Oh ! Now that was clumsy F.C !!!

You had better take off that top... so later I can put it in the tub to soak... smiley - winkeye

Chocolate sauce just doesn't come out !!! smiley - smiley

BTW Should we bounce around on the bed again ??? smiley - smiley

Lord M.K*

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 51

Fashion Cat

smiley - winkeye ta GB...

present time I feel... *opens her bag... pink fluffy handcuffs fall out*

well, they were on the island... thought you might find a use for them... smiley - winkeye

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 52

Matthew Kershaw

smiley - bigeyes

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 53

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

So THAT'S what happened to them!!!

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 54

Matthew Kershaw

* M.K finishes the last of the ice-cream with his dairy queen... smiley - smiley *

Lord M.K*

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 55

Fashion Cat

thought you might like them... smiley - winkeye especially after the way GB put them on... smiley - bigeyes

*goes and sits back on the bed, looking deeply into his eyes*

*hugs him tightly*

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 56

Matthew Kershaw

* He kisses her with the kind of force that there should be a blue screen behind showing a yacht out to sea in raging waters...smiley - bigeyes *

I always knew you would be my 'purrfect' companion... smiley - smiley

Lord M.K*

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 57

Fashion Cat

oh Matt....

*settles down for a very satisfying night.... smiley - winkeye*

*they compare birthmarks smiley - winkeye, and lie contentedly in each others arms for some time*

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 58

Matthew Kershaw

* In an attempt to snatch moment against the flow of time they retire to sort out who exactly has the most hideous birthmark (F.C)...

* ...and wonder why the process of convincing F.C's parents has to take her away for the next two weeks. *

* M.K looks up & down the corridor and places a sign on the doorhandle which reads 'definitely do not disturb !!! ...this includes you G.B !!!' on it... *

* He shuts the door and bolts it shut... *

Oh My God !!! It's hideous !!! smiley - bigeyes


Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 59


*The colours in the photograph are restored to their full hue and beauty, though a birthmark seems to have been airbrushed out. The frame shines in golden splendour, as if a rectangular halo. The glass shines, awaiting future fond fingerprints.*

Foxy Manor - Lord's Sleeping Quarters...

Post 60

Matthew Kershaw

* M.K tries to finally get up... *

* ...but its awfully difficult when your chaffed 'all over' & tied up... smiley - tongueout *

Lord M.K*

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