A Conversation for Oakfield, the home of Dr John


Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating by, in her usual vague, elf-like manner*

*leaves a note on the door, saying:*

smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - corncobsmiley - orangebutterflysmiley - cheerssmiley - orangebutterflysmiley - strawberriessmiley - bluebutterfly


You are cordially invited to a Harvest Festival on
the Village Green (on the north side of the river)
in Village de la Vavoom
smiley - rose<./>F49925?thread=201905&latest=1</.>smiley - rose

Villagers with friends and relatives welcome!

Musicians and help with arranging the festival wanted!

Contact Titania in the Bluebells Cottage A424478
if you are interested in contributing!

smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - corncobsmiley - orangebutterflysmiley - cheerssmiley - orangebutterflysmiley - strawberriessmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

*knocks on the door, enters and looks around*

*leaves a message on the desk*A1144315

*drifting off to check how Nimrod is doing*

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