A Conversation for Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band

The Best Album Debate

Post 41


PS Have you read "The Day John Met Paul" by Jim O'Donnell? Great book!!!

The Best Album Debate

Post 42


Good Idea! Now where do I start?

As for this thread - the Best Beatles LP is.....



I actually like George Harrisons comment in the Antholgy when he said he saw these albums as "Volume 1 & 2"

The Best Album Debate

Post 43


Yes I have read & own a copy of "The Day John Met Paul" by Jim O'Donnell - an outstanding account of that famous day. He creates such a vivid picture I could sear I was there that day....

The Best Album Debate

Post 44


Actually I should give 'The White Album' a plug as well as it was the first Beatle LP I bought....

I remember putting it on and being completly blown away...and that was only at the end of side 1!!

The Best Album Debate

Post 45


The problem with picking a best beatle album is that they are all so good! It's hard to pick. As I mentioned I'm partial to Revolver, but I also love Sgt. Peppers. Both have wonderful cover art too.

It is easier to pick my least favorite album, which is Let It Be.

The Best Album Debate

Post 46


NO WAY. let it be is amazing!

which album is "the long and winding road" on?

The Best Album Debate

Post 47


Has anyone compared Let It Be with Let It be Naked? They're actually a bit different. Not sure which one I prefer.

The Best Album Debate

Post 48


i prefer the actual songs on let it be but i really like all the talking on let it be naked , it makes it more authentic and special!

The Best Album Debate

Post 49


I prefer the original LET IT BE. It is the chatter between songs & witty asides from John that make it.
Plus there's the tracks from the roof - The Beatles last public performance.

LET IT BE NAKED does have its merits with clarity of sound and
harmonies esp. 'Two of Us' and ' Across the Universe'...

BUT I still believe it was a subtle attempt by Paul to twist history and make ‘Let It Be’ look like his baby..He forgets it was his big headedness at this time that caused all the disharmony in the group.
He has only been let away with it because the original LP wasn't very popular. I'd like to see him try and fiddle with Sgt Pepper or Revolver and get away with it so easily...

The Best Album Debate

Post 50


I think this is something that changes over time...mine was 'Revolver' (more Moddy) for an age but now it's 'Abbey Road.' I just love 'I Want You (She's So Heavy)' (which I once found unlistenable). But...short as it is, you can't beat 'The End'! (With a majestic performance from Ringo!)

Oh and I love Macca's raw lyric on 'Oh! Darling.'

But 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer' - why why why why?

Isn't it amazing that the bulk of the Beatles stuff was so great that they've still produced most of the greatest albums of all time despite some truly duff album tracks? (The Ringo songs, in general, and when Macca gets twee...)

The Best Album Debate

Post 51


It is strange that they were able to do songs like Yesterday and Hey Jude that were absolute classics, and still come out with Piggies, Rocky Raccoon, and other silly ones. Though think it shows their genius. They didn't release a number 1 and then just re-hash it repeatedly. They've a flexibility and had a huge music base to draw on for inspiration.

The Best Album Debate

Post 52

Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos

I think the serious/jokey mix comes from the Lennon/McCartney partnership. Though its not as if one style is from one writer and the other from the other, the fact that two people were writing probably stopped their music from being too one-dimensional. Just like Queen, whose members all wrote at least one song on each album from their third onwards, it gives a healthy balance of genres and styles unlike, say Oasis whose music all sounded the same while Noel was writing it (for the first three albums) and while they were great tunes and the first two albums are rocking, it didn't have longevity and they are better for having a more shared writing base.

The Best Album Debate

Post 53


yeah. Think that jhas a lot to do with it. It's important too. If Ringo and George never got a look in it would've been so different and they might not have lasted as long or been as successful as they were.

The Best Album Debate

Post 54


Oh but Silver Hammer is FUNNY!

The Best Album Debate

Post 55



The Best Album Debate

Post 56


Have to agree, with the last two comments, it's a hilarious song which I lovesmiley - biggrin, also I quite like Rocky Raccoon, it's very light-hearted and enjoyable.

True, though some of George's songs aren't exactly my favouritessmiley - erm

I got Rubber Soul and Revolver over Christmas, I have to say Revolver is a brilliant album but I still think Sgt Pepper's and Abbey Road are better. I've never heard the original Let It Be, so I can't comment on that.

The Best Album Debate

Post 57


Think George definately had a different style to the others. Especially near the end with the sitar. Though I liked his last album - the one he made just before he died. The single from it "Any Road" is great.

The Best Album Debate

Post 58


I don't really know much of the stuff the Beatles did after they split up (apart from McCartney's stuff)smiley - erm

The Best Album Debate

Post 59


Do you know George's My Sweet Lord or John's Give Peace A Chance or Merry Xmas (War Is Over)??

The Best Album Debate

Post 60

Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos

My Sweet Lord is wonderously harmonic, need to get me a copy of that

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