A Conversation for The Things We Do When We Get Drunk

One-Track Mind

Post 1


Here's a story which may or may not be true. Told to me by a friend.

This friend-of-a-friend is drinking heavily at a party. He makes a slurred pass at some pretty girl, to which the girl jokingly responds "meet me in bed in half an hour, sexy." Just then the guy's friends drag him home to bed. He struggles a bit, but for the most part his muscles are limp. He's muttering something about the girl, but they drag him home anyway.

They drag this guy a few blocks to their flat, but all the time the guy's mumbling. When they stop and listen to him, all they can here is:

"....the girl the girl i have to meet her in half an hour i have to i have to meet her in bed in half an hour that girl i have to meet her... etc, etc."

They finally get this guy back to the apartment and throw him, still muttering, on the bed. He goes to sleep, and they close the door. There is silence for about 3 hours. Then, from the room, they hear a crash. Then a dull thump. The door opens, and the guy comes crawling out on hands and knees: "i have to see the girl the girl i have to see the girl in bed i have to...."

Alcohol tends to put people on one-track minds. All we can hope is that it's a pleasant ride.


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One-Track Mind

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